Netflix Account Registration, Sign-up, and How to Create Netflix Account

Netflix Account Registration and Signup Portal –

Netflix Account Registration… Lovers of movies and games now have an opportunity to watch movies from the comfort of their homes with just a tap, and enjoy TV series.

Established in 1997 by  Marc Randolph and Reed Hastings in Scotts valley. It is one of the most renowned media companies

Based in Los Gastos, California the company has more than two hundred and thirty-one million members in more than one hundred and ninety countries.

you get updates of newly released movies from your house. African, American Bollywood, Hollywood movies, etc.

Different games paid and free trials, TV series, etc. All are done with the help of Netflix.

In this article, we will be discussing extensively about  account registration on Netflix, how to sign up on Netflix, and how to create a Netflix account.

Netflix Account Registration and Signup Portal –

Netflix Account Registration

To register for a Netflix account you need to create an account with them. Creating an account with them enables you to have access to an onliner interface, with your scheduled plan, and access movies and games anytime you want to.

Also, creating an account with Netflix enables helps you to pause and resume your movies whenever you wish to.

It also makes you a member of the Netflix community. you will be able to enjoy their bonus and variety of packages.

To create the netflix account follow the steps

  1. Using a preferred browser you click on the netflix signup link
  2. You have to choose a plan based on your budget. that’s the step 1 of 3
  3. You can choose either from the basic, standard and premium subscription. you also choose a monthly price, video video quality and resolution.
  4. After choosing your preferred package you continue to the next interface to finish setting up your account and click on the next button.
  5. The interface you will be directed to is the create password to start your membership. Here you have to include your email and add a password you can always use to access your account.
  6. The step of three of three is the interface yu have to choose the method of payment.
  7. From the credit or debit card, the iDeal (direct Debit), PayPal, GiftCode etc.
  8. After successfully making payment, you account will be created.
  9. If you have any issues with the process, you can speak with a netflix agent on 080000201573

You can create an account for someone with your netflix application. you just have to log out of your account and then click the sig up button instead of the log in. You then process the account creation.

How to sign up for Netflix

You have to note that when you sign as a netflix member, the only charge you will pay for is the monthly charge. Also, if you want to change from any of the packages (basic, premium etc), you can change at any time.

Also if you want to quit from any plan, you can also stop the monthly charge.

you can sign up with your Andriod phone, your computer, iPhone, iPad or iPod touch, smart TV and streaming Media Players, set-top Box

To sign up from your Android, computer, iPod or iPad, smart TV and streaming Media Players and set-top Box you follow the following steps

  1. Using a preferred browser you click on the Netflix signup link
  2. You have to choose a plan based on your budget. that’s the step 1 of 3
  3. You can choose either from the basic, standard and premium subscription. you also choose a monthly price, video video quality and resolution.
  4. After choosing your preferred package you continue to the next interface to finish setting up your account and click on the next button.
  5. The interface you will be directed to is the create password to start your membership. Here you have to include your email and add a password you can always use to access your account.
  6. The step of three of three is the interface yu have to choose the method of payment.
  7. From the credit or debit card, the iDeal (direct Debit), PayPal, GiftCode etc.
  8. After successfully making payment, you account will be created.
  9. If you have any issues with the process, you can speak with a netflix agent on 080000201573

You can sign up from the Netflix pap downloaded from the goggle playstore.


Netflix is a media company that is open fro customers wo sign up to have unlimited access to local and international movies, TV series and online/offline games.

Note you can always end a monthly subscription at anytime you want to also you can always change a plan from nuy package to whichever you choose.

it is also pertinent to note that the dfreent packages come with  different resolution fro downloads, video quality etc.

Frequently Asked Question

Can I access this without my monthly subscription?

Nope , to access the netflix service you need sign up on the netflix acont that is to say you have to be a member.

Can I change any plan at any time I want?

Yes you can change or cancel from any plan package you want to at any time.

What are the benefit?

You can watch all you want, including advert fro free, also you will get recommendation on movies created to your previously watched movies.

Can I use my mobile phone to create netflix account?

Yes you can, you just need to download the application from the google playstore follow the sign up process.

Is there any other fee apart from the monthly charge?

Netflix does not offer any additional charge apart from its monthly subscription. also netflix doesn’t charge registration fee.

Can I share my netflix account?

Yes, you can share it but it has to be with people staying in the same house. that its just with the household. the people using the account has to be in the same location with the owner of the account.

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Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

One Reply to “Netflix Account Registration and Signup Portal –

  1. I just registered for a Netflix account and it was so easy! Thank you for creating this signup portal.

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