Students in Which Country Seeks for Scholarships More?
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Students in which Country seeks for Scholarship More?

When talking about scholarship opportunities, students or applicants often get their ears wide because of its benefits. Scholarship opportunities often help the less privileged who have no financial capacity but have the intellectual ability.

It helps both the undergraduate and the postgraduate. Countries seeking scholarships the more are many, and why are these countries known to be the ones seeking more scholarships is to different factors.

To consider but a few let’s look at the population factor, we are aware that most countries’ populations are much in that they run limited educational facilities or resources.

Students in Which Country Seeks for Scholarships More?

While some counties try to cope you see that they produce fewer educational intellectuals because of the insufficient educational facility.

Another major factor is the lack of resources or should we say underdevelopment. There are some areas in different countries that do not value the education they prefer handwork. Also, there are some developing countries that do not have modern facilities for the needed education

Students in these countries would love to go out to the various developed countries to learn some might not be buoyant enough which leads to seeking a scholarship.

One last factor is the high cost of education. There are some class of people that cannot afford basic feeding not to talk of education, if not for birth control measures some families will have up to 10,15 children.

Fending on the upkeep of the family is already a burden to bear not to talk of the children’s education. So this is also a major factor why some of these kids who are intellectually sound apply for scholarship opportunities so as to enable them to meet up with the standard of the society

In this article, we will be talking specifically about 4 four different countries that need scholarships more.

Students in Which Country Seeks for Scholarships More?

The list of some counties that seek scholarship below and a brief educational history of these countries are as follows;

  • India
  • China
  • Indonesia
  • Nigeria


The history of education in India traces back to olden times. The Vedas, the oldest known Indian texts, contain references to education and the pursuit of knowledge.

In ancient India, education was primarily imparted through the guru-shishya tradition, where students lived with their teachers and learned various subjects through oral instruction.

During the Mauryan Empire in the 3rd century BCE, Emperor Ashoka established schools and universities across the empire, where subjects such as philosophy, mathematics, and astronomy were taught.

The Nalanda University, founded in the 5th century CE, is one of the most famous universities from ancient India, attracting students from across Asia.

During the medieval period, Islamic rulers brought with them their educational systems, and madrasas (Islamic schools) became an important source of education.

The Mughal emperor Akbar the Great established a system of education for both Hindus and Muslims, where Persian was the primary language of instruction.

Under British colonial rule, India’s education system underwent significant changes. The British established universities and schools, which provided English education to the Indian elite.

The British education system was designed to produce clerks and bureaucrats to serve the colonial administration.

After independence in 1947, India’s education system was reformed to serve the needs of a developing nation.

The government established schools and universities, and education was made free and compulsory for children aged 6-14.

The emphasis was on providing basic education to all citizens, regardless of their socio-economic background.

In the 1980s and 1990s, India’s education system underwent further reforms with an emphasis on expanding access to higher education.

The government established more universities, and private institutions were allowed to set up educational institutions.

Scholarship opportunities in India include

  1. AAA-Inlaks art grant for artists in India
  2. Sikyoung professional scholarship program in India
  3. India School of business international scholarships
  4. DBT-JFR fellowship
  5. Raman Charpak Fellowship Program
  6. World Nomad Travel Film Scholarship program


The history of education in China can be traced back over 2,000 years to the time of the Han Dynasty. During this period, education was reserved for the elite, with only members of the ruling class receiving a formal education.

The education system during this time was based on the teachings of Confucius, with a focus on the classics and the cultivation of moral character.

Over the centuries, the education system in China evolved to become more accessible to a wider population.

During the Tang Dynasty, the imperial examination system was introduced, which allowed people from all walks of life to take examinations and potentially gain a position in the government.

This system was based on Confucian teachings and placed great emphasis on knowledge of the classics.

In the late 19th and early 20th centuries, China’s education system underwent significant changes under the influence of Western education.

Following the defeat in the Opium Wars, China was forced to open its doors to foreign powers, and Western education was introduced to the country.

This led to the establishment of modern universities and schools, with a focus on science and technology.

In 1949, the Communist Party of China came to power, and a new education system was established based on Marxist principles.

The education system became more egalitarian, with a focus on providing universal access to education. Primary education was made compulsory, and significant investments were made in rural education.

In the decades that followed, China’s education system continued to evolve, with a focus on expanding access to higher education and improving the quality of education.

The country’s rapid economic growth has also led to a significant increase in investment in education, with China now spending more on education than any other country in the world.

Scholarship opportunities in China include

  1. Spreadshirt Gladiator scholarship
  2. iVisa annual scholarship
  3. Erasmus Mundus Joint Masters Scholarship
  4. Northwest A&F University Scholarship
  5. Global Excellence Scholarship
  6. Anonymous Hope Fund
  7. Berklee on the Road clinics


The history of education in Indonesia can be traced back to the ancient kingdoms that existed in the archipelago.

During this time, education was primarily focused on religious teachings, with students attending pesantren or Islamic boarding schools.

In the 19th century, the Dutch colonizers introduced a modern system of education, with a focus on teaching Dutch language, Western science, and Christianity.

This system of education was largely limited to the European and indigenous elites.

Following Indonesia’s independence in 1945, efforts were made to establish a national education system.

The new system of education aimed to promote national unity, provide education for all, and create a skilled workforce to support economic development.

The first step was the establishment of a new Ministry of Education in 1946, which took responsibility for all education matters in the country.

In 1947, the government passed the National Education System Law, which established a national education system and laid out the principles of the Indonesian education system.

The education system in Indonesia has undergone several reforms over the years, with a focus on increasing access to education and improving the quality of education.

In the 1990s, the government introduced the “Education for All” policy, aimed at providing universal access to education.

Today, Indonesia’s education system is decentralized, with the responsibility for education shared between the central government and the regional governments.

Education is shared into three diffrent levels: primary education, secondary education, and tertiary education.

Primary education is the basis of education for every child and as such it is mandatory and it last  for six years. Secondary education is spread into two levels: lower secondary education, which takes three years, and upper secondary education, which takes another three years. Tertiary education includes universities, polytechnics, and vocational schools.

Scholarship opportunities in Indonesia include

  1. Fulbright Indonesian scholarships
  2. Indonesian Arts and Culture scholarships
  3. KNB scholarships
  4. UNdip scholarships
  5. Indonesian government scholarships


The history of education in Nigeria dates back to the pre-colonial era when education was informal and primarily focused on traditional skills and knowledge.

This type of education was provided by family members, tribal heads, and other community members.

With the arrival of colonialism in the late 19th century, the British introduced a formal system of education in Nigeria.

The colonial government established schools and colleges to provide Western-style education and to train Nigerians for administrative and other roles in the colonial government.

In 1914, Nigeria was amalgamated into a single colony, which led to the creation of a unified education system. The system was divided into three levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary education.

Following Nigeria’s independence in 1960, the government took steps to develop a national system of education that would address the country’s socioeconomic needs.

In 1976, the government introduced the Universal Primary Education (UPE) program, aimed at providing free education for all children in Nigeria.

In the 1980s, the government introduced the National Policy on Education, which outlined the principles and objectives of the Nigerian education system.

The policy emphasized the importance of technical and vocational education, as well as the need to promote science and technology education to support economic development.

Today, the education system in Nigeria is decentralized, with the federal government responsible for policy formulation and funding, while state and local governments are responsible for implementation and management.

Education is divided into six levels: early childhood education, primary education, junior secondary education, senior secondary education, vocational education, and tertiary education.

Despite efforts to improve access to education and the quality of education in Nigeria, the education system still faces significant challenges, including inadequate funding, a shortage of qualified teachers, and limited infrastructure and resources.

However, the government and other stakeholders continue to work towards addressing these challenges and improving the education system in Nigeria.    

Scholarship opportunities in Nigeria include

  1. NNPC scholarships
  2. MTN scholarships
  3. Guinness Nigeria undergraduate scholarship
  4. Amazon undergraduate scholarships
  5. Shell scholarships

Factors that led to the high demand for scholarships?

  1. High cost of education
  2. Competition for higher education
  3. Economic disadvantage
  4. Internationalization of education
  5. Limited government funding


This article talks briefly about the different countries that demand scholarships. Although we dwell on a few, there are reasons why they are being considered more seeking when talking about the scholarship.

With a brief history of their educational background and the scholarship, opportunities available in each of these countries.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the factors that make education in India costly?

Factors that make education in India costly include a shortage of government funding, a lack of qualified teachers, and the rising cost of infrastructure and resources.

What is the history of education in China?

The history of education in China dates back to ancient times and has gone through significant changes throughout history.

What are the factors that lead to high scholarship demand in India?

Factors that lead to high scholarship demand in India include the high cost of education, limited government funding, and competition for higher education.

What is the history of education in Indonesia?

The history of education in Indonesia dates back to the pre-colonial era and has gone through significant changes throughout history.

What are the factors that lead to high scholarship demand in Indonesia?

Factors that lead to high scholarship demand in Indonesia include the high cost of education, limited government funding, and economic disadvantage.

What is the history of education in Nigeria?

The history of education in Nigeria dates back to the pre-colonial era and was formalized during the British colonial period.

What are the challenges facing the Nigerian education system?

The Nigerian education system’s challenges include inadequate funding, a shortage of qualified teachers, and limited infrastructure and resources.

What are the factors that make Nigerian students seek scholarships?

Factors that make Nigerian students seek scholarships include the high cost of education, limited government funding, and economic disadvantage.

How can I apply for a scholarship in Nigeria?

Applications for scholarships in Nigeria vary depending on the scholarship but generally require an application form, essays, academic records, and letters of recommendation.

What are the benefits of scholarships in Nigeria?

Scholarships in Nigeria provide financial assistance, recognition, and opportunities to pursue higher education, helping to promote academic excellence and achievement.

How does the Nigerian education system compare to other countries?

The Nigerian education system faces significant challenges but also has strengths in areas such as vocational education and the promotion of science and technology.

What is the role of technology in education?

Technology is increasingly being used in education to improve access to information, promote innovation, and enhance learning outcomes.

How can I support education in Nigeria?

There are several ways to support education in Nigeria, such as volunteering, donating to educational programs and organizations, and advocating for policies that support education.

What is the significance of Universal Primary Education (UPE) in Nigeria?

The Universal Primary Education (UPE) program was introduced in Nigeria in 1976 to provide free education for all children in Nigeria and increase access to education.

Recommendation for You

UWL International Ambassador Degree Scholarship to Study in UK (2023 Update)

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Queen Elizabeth Commonwealth Scholarships to study in the UK (2023)


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