What's the Cost of Living in Canada for International Students and Residents?
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What’s The Cost of Living in Canada for International Students and Residents

What’s the Cost of Living in Canada for International Students and Residents?

Canada is one of the most interesting places to be because of its quality educational services.

As the runs by,  we have flocks of students applying for a Canadian visa. some migrating, some recruited and some are students.

A country in North America with a capital called Ottawa, its official language includes French and English.

The country runs a federation with a constitutional monarchy and parliamentary democracy..it also runs major export in the aircraft industry, automotive industry, gold, and timber.

What's the Cost of Living in Canada for International Students and Residents?

The country is divided into 10 provinces, denoted by the acronym CA and has three(3) territories with their specific abbreviations.

With a wide range of climatic conditions, the country is famous for extreme politeness, maple syrup, ice hockey, and its scenery. it is also known for its healthcare benefits, and social and maternity leaves.

If the description above meet your kinda country to work or school then this article is for you. we will be talking about the Cost of living in Canada.

What’s the Cost of Living in Canada for International Students and Residents?

The cost of living in Canada depends on the area you live. International students choose to study in Canada basically because of the scholarship opportunities and the low tuition fees.

There are so many things that make up the cost of living for international students and residents.
this includes;
1. Accommodation
2. Tuition fees
3. Feeding (food)
4. Transportation
5. Internet bundles
6. Books and supplies
7. Health insurance


As we said earlier, accommodation cost depends on the location or region. certainly, the accommodation cost in the rural area will not be the same as in the urban area.
The accommodation cost is different.
As this may be difficult most foreign or international students can choose to stay within the school apartment or can pay or rent for apartments outside the school. Also, you can choose if you want to live in an expensive and well-furnished apartment or not.
Student residences( dormitories or condominiums) in Canada charge approximately 250 – 625 CAD monthly.
The university-arranged homestay charges approximately 400 – 800 CAD monthly.
If you are renting an apartment or sharing an apartment you will be charged 300 – 700 CAD monthly. You should note that this particular option can be more or less than this. It all depends on the type and kind of housing and the furniture it carries.
Also, apartments that go with studio form cost more than every other apartment because you will be charged separately for the internet connection in the basic utilities.

Tuition fees

the country is known to be more considerate in its tuition fees than other available English-speaking countries. The tuition fees differ in provinces. the international undergraduate tuition ad the international graduate tuition fees.
The province with the highest tuition fees is known to be Ontario with the lowest in Newfoundland and Labrador.
An original tuition fee can cost $7,000 to $22,000 yearly. Research has it that in 2022, an undergraduate international student pays $6,800 yearly while an international graduate student spends $21,000 yearly.
Food is a significant part of human existence. as such food is unavoidable. the actual cost of feeding with the inclusion of groceries and provisions ranges from approximately 200 CAD to 300 CAD.
Eating in the restaurant will cost you approximately  10 to 25 CAD so if you eat twice a day in a normal average restaurant you will end up spending around 50 – 65 CAD.
Whether you are an international student or a resident, you will spend at most 300 – 400 CAD monthly on food.


The transportation cost differs too due to the various means of transportation available. We have the subway, the taxi, and the buses. Buses charge per km.
An approximate transport fare from a bus in Canada ranges from 100 CAD to 150 CAD
Subway approximate charge ranges from 65 CAD to 99 CAD
An approximate cost for taxis (1KM) is about 40 CAD to 50 CAD

Internet bundles

Off course not just the payment for the electricity you have to spend on your internet bundles.
you need internet connectivity on your mobile phones and other gadgets.
Average internet connectivity cost about 30 CAD to 50 CAD.

Book supplies

As a student, you must make financial provisions for your books. Apart from the one you have cases to in the school resource center and library, you need other reading materials and not just that, educational equipment.
Approximately you can spend about $1000 in a year for just textbooks and equipment. you can make saving by getting e-books, used books, and rental books. this will save cost

Health insurance

As an international student or a resident of Canada, you need to get a health insurance policy as long as you stay in the country.
The cost of health insurance varies from the province. the health cost in Ontario is not the same as in Ottawa.
Also, you should note that the insurance should be subscribed for as long as you stay. Get the official and approved health insurance From your university portal, and as a resident get it from your government website.


The cost of living is not really an expense. that is why it is regarded as one of the cheapest English-speaking countries.
A student with financial support can get there with their planned budget as well as residences.
from the mode of transportation, the tuition fees, and the meal. if you choose to live in an accommodation with good fitted furniture you have to understand that it will cost more.
Your spending literally is controlled by you. as such you have to make a budget, and work with your scale of preference.
you can get jobs while you are a student there and work in line with the rules and hours of work so your study visa would not be withdrawn from you.
this helps you support yourself and also enables you to make savings.


Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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