Easy Ways To Migrate to Canada (2023 Latest Update)
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Easy Ways To Migrate to Canada (2024 Latest Update)

Easy Ways To Migrate to Canada (2023 Latest Update)

The nation of Canada has rolled out policies and legislation aimed at welcoming over 1.4 million immigrants between 2024 and 2025.

With Canada being one of the most peaceful and yet, highly developed nations in the world, Immigrating there is still no easy feat.

To add to that, Canada boasts of a minimum wage of 15 Dollars hourly, which creates a labor-friendly atmosphere

Many steps need to be taken to successfully acquire approval for Legal Canadian Immigration.

In addition, these steps can take months or even years before the approval acquisition. However, to improve your chances of avoiding “avoidable pitfalls”, you need to be taken through how Immigration to Canada in 2023 truly works.

Here, we outline the Easy Ways to migrate to Canada in 2024

Easy Ways To Migrate To Canada

Express Entry Program

The Immigration Protocols of Canada allow immigrants to reside and work in Canada through the introduction of Express Entry.

The CIC is in charge of Immigration Matters in Canada

Canadian Immigration Program that allows immigrants to live and work in Canada as skilled workers through Express Entry.

This new System would help Citizenship and Immigration Canada (CIC) to evaluate and recruit suitably qualified immigrants who are highly skilled and possess relevant qualifications under either of these Federal Economic Programs.:

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

The Federal Skilled Trades Program (FSTP)

Federal Skilled Worker Program (FSWP)

This system will also allow Provinces in Canada the autonomy to recruit their pool of suitably qualified Immigrants (to supplement labor market demands) through the Provincial Nominee Programs.

More often than not, this happens to be Canada’s most widely known and used Immigration Programs. 

However, there haven’t been any Federal Skilled Workers (FSW) Draws since December 2020. 

Also, there hasn’t been a (Canadian Experience Class) CEC Eligibility evaluation since the September of 2021.

Furthermore, due to the COVID-19 Outbreak, official processing durations have been slightly lengthened. 

Family Class Sponsorship

Family Reunification is given top priority in Canada’s immigration Policies and Programs.

Families resident in Canada can sponsor their relatives to visit and even relocate to Canada permanently.

However, to qualify to take advantage of this Program, you must have attained Citizenship or Permanent Residence Status in Canada

Also, as this Program stipulates, you can only sponsor your spouse and children under 22. There are exceptions to this, nonetheless.

The Sponsor of Parents, Grandparents, and other relatives is not catered for under this program. 

For those categories of Immigrants, you can refer to the Super Visa Category.

LMIA Work Visa

Another method of Immigration people take advantage of is the LMIA Work Visa. 

Here, Immigrants first apply for a Job in Canada. 

After successfully getting the job, the employer then applies for an LMIA Work Permit through Service Canada in respect of the Immigrant.

Although this often follows a very rigorous and meticulous process, it can lead to Permanent Residence in Canada

The Provincial Nominee Programs

The PNP Channel is becoming increasingly popular when it comes to relocating to Canada.

Canadian provinces such as British Columbia, Ontario, and Alberta amongst others have created and instituted their immigration programs that often lead to a more efficient and fast-tracked process.

PNP Programs, however, dictate that Immigrants must reside in their respective Provinces of Application.

Also, most PNP Programs require that the Prospective Immigrant must acquire a job offer from a Canadian employer to be eligible 

The PNP Programs include: 

Alberta Immigrant Nominee Program (AINP)

British Columbia Provincial Nominee Program (BCPNP)

Manitoba Provincial Nominee Program (MPNP)

Newfoundland and Labrador Provincial Nominee Program (NLPNP)

New Brunswick Provincial Nominee Program (NBPNP)

Nova Scotia Provincial Nominee Program (NSPNP)

Northwest Territories Nominee Program (NTNP)

Ontario Immigrant Nominee Program (OINP)

The Island of Prince Edward Provincial Nominee Program (PEI PNP)

Quebec Skilled Workers Program (QSWP)

Saskatchewan Immigrant Nominee Program (SINP)

Yukon Nominee Program (YNP)

The Canadian Investor Program

By permitting key investments from established men of business in Canada, the country experiences a surge in overall living conditions.

This Program is targeted at well-established businessmen who run International Corporations. 

It offers them a piece of the glories of Canadian Citizenship in return for investing in the Canadian Economy.

There are two Investor Programs currently running in Canada. They are the Federal Investor Program and the Quebec program.

Both programs share striking similarities. 

They both require that prospective Investors have high net worth and invest generously in a Government Approved Investment Fund in Canada over 5 years.

Also, the spouses and Children of Investors can be categorized as Dependents during the application stages.

In June, 2014, some backlogged applications of the Federal Investor Program and Entrepreneur Programs were abruptly terminated. However, the Quebec Investor and Quebec Entrepreneur Programs were not affected.

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“Are these the only ways one can relocate to Canada ?”

“Or are there other viable options?”

The answers to the questions above are “NO” and “YES” respectively.

There are other programs in place to aid your relocation to Canada.

Immigration Programs such as the Humanitarian and Compassionate Programs, CEC category, Refugee Status, and the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program are also other methods you could explore.

The Canadian Experience Class (CEC)

This Immigration Program allows intending immigrants who have worked and resided in Canada for at least a cumulative of one year the opportunity to relocate permanently.

Humanitarian and Compassionate Application

People already living in Canada without legal status who would love to make a home out of Canada can avail themselves of this one. 

“H&Cs” also require that you complete Canadian Permanent Residence Forms from within Canada to be considered for this Program.

Refugee Claims

Asylum claims can be made by deserving Individuals at a Port of Entry, Immigration Office, or an Inland Canadian Border Services Agency (CBSA) Office.

 They must demonstrate why they can not go back to their home country.

They must also state in vivid terms why they cannot return to their home country before being considered for this Program.

Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program

With the Atlantic Immigration Pilot Program, Atlantic provinces such as Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia, New Brunswick, Newfoundland, and Labrador recruit qualified and well-experienced Immigrants to supplement certain labor deficits in the Provinces. 

Frequently Asked Questions About Migrating To Canada In 2024

Who is in charge of Canada Visa Applications?

The IRCC (which is an acronym for “Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada”) is charged with the duty of overseeing and regulating Immigration related matters in Canada. 

They are also in charge of issuance of Visas and Passports within Canada.

What Are the Eligibility Criteria needed to be met for migration to Canada?

Each Immigration Program has its own set of eligibility Criteria.

It is advisable to go through the programs’ respective eligibility criteria carefully before commencing with applications

Nonetheless, you shall be required to hand in required documents such as Educational Qualifications, Documents of Identification, and Medical/Criminal History Records. 

These all depend on the requirements of the respective Immigration Program

Any Age Limits for Immigrants Moving to Canada?

There are no stated age limits for these programs however, Individuals aged between 25 to 35 years stand a better chance of earning higher points.

How Friendly is Canada to Immigrants?

Over the last decades, Canada has earned a well-deserved reputation for being one of the most developed and multiculturally endowed countries in the world. 

Not to mention that foreign-born residents account for at least a fifth of the total Canadian population.

How easy is it to Settle in Canada After moving?

Whether you are considering studying, Working or just relocating to Canada, the country is quite welcoming. 

It is peaceful, very beautiful, and developed as well with a minimum wage of 15 Dollars per hour.

Also, Canadians are a very loving and friendly people and you should have little to no problems settling into the economic and social atmosphere.

Do I Need to possess work Experience to Immigrate to Canada?

The Answer to this is NO 

There exist few Immigration Programs that allow Immigrants without experience to relocate legally to the Country.

These include the Study Permits and Family Sponsorship Programs.

What is the cost of Living like in Canada?

Canada is one of the most expensive countries to live in despite having an average annual salary of around $38,000.

However, the Canadian Economy is very stable and immigrant-friendly.


John is the CREATIVE LEAD at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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