Part-time Online Jobs that Give You $1000 Monthly
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Part-time Online Jobs that Give You $1000 Monthly in 2024

Do you know that you can apply for a part-time online job if you are too busy to take a full-time? Yes, there are so many online part-time jobs that you can do and be earning about 1,000 dollars every month, it will not stop you from doing your normal job.

It can be really interesting to take one or two hours of your day to do other things that will give you about 1,000 dollars at the end of the month, in addition to what your normal salary gives to you.

I know that you are now ready to know which of the online jobs can really pay that much, ok let us go there now. In this article, we will list out some of the online part-time jobs that you can do, just keep on reading the article.

Part-time Online Jobs that Give You $1000 Monthly

However. for those who may not be well informed about online jobs, online jobs are those jobs in which you need to computer and network connection to do the job. In this kind of job, you may be working for a company or even for yourself. 

Online part-time jobs can be found on the internet, your friends can recommend them to you, through recruiters, job boards, and Facebook groups. Some of the websites that you can find such online jobs are: UpWork, FlexJobs, Indeed, and Monster.

Part-time Online Jobs that Give You $1000 Monthly

Here is the list of the online Part-time Jobs that Give You $1000 Monthly

  1. Amazon Dropshipping
  2. Create a Course or Digital Product
  3. Freelancing 
  4. Shopify Dropshipping
  5. Sell your Arts
  6. Freelancing
  7. Virtual Assistant
  8. Proofreading
  9. Transcription
  10. Write your Own eBook


If you have a passion for writing, if you enjoy writing, then you can choose a freelancing job. Here you have to share your ideas with people out there. There is a bulk of information out there that people don’t know about that and are looking for it. Through your freelancing writing, you can share that information that can be beneficial to them.

How do you start as a freelancer? The thing is, you have to decide if you are going to focus on writing, developing, or engaging in design. When you have chosen a niche, begin to search for your client.

Start telling your friends and others what you are doing and that you are looking for clients. Join groups that will help you connect with clients, such as freelancer groups, UpWork, Guest blogging, and Bidding for gigs, and also Join relevant Facebook groups.

Amazon Dropshipping

It is one of the part-time online jobs that you can do and earn some money at the end of the month, all you spend is just one to two hours each day to do those jobs.

When a supplier ships products directly to your customer, that is what is known as dropshipping is dropshipping has two benefits. The first one is that you are required to pay for any inventory until you have sold to a customer, and the second benefit is that you don’t necessarily have to package and ship your products or anything by yourself.

Create a Course or Digital Product

See, you can make some cool dollars by creating a course on anything that you are good at doing. Let’s say you can teach, you can decide to create a course for people on how to become a good housewife, how to cook, how to fry aara, how to prepare moi moi, and many other things, depending on what you know how to do best.

Online Digital courses can earn you a lot much money if you take them seriously. Now here is a list of things you can create a course on:

  • Guitar
  • Singing
  • Foreign Language
  • Writing
  • Dancing
  • Diet & Exercise
  • Public speaking
  • Business
  • Overcoming addiction


If you are very good at finding errors, mistakes, and grammatical errors in written works, you can earn yourself extra cash working as a proofreader.

A lot of content creators are looking for people who will help them proofread their content before they can put it out there to their audience, so proofreading is another way you can make some money for yourself through online part-time jobs.

Virtual Assistant

You can work as a virtual assistant to so many firms, who are in need of the services. The work of a virtual assistant has various areas of specialization so you can choose the one that suits your skills.

The question is what does a virtual assistant do? Most businesses are so busy that they need someone who will help them to attend to some important things including email, answering phone calls, and marketing.

You can do other things such as:

  •  Social media management
  • Graphic design
  • Customer service
  • Email and contact management
  • Project management
  • Editing/proofreading content

Read Also:

Shopify Dropshipping

This is an e-commerce platform for selling products. It is very simple and easy. Here you can create and design an online store that you can use to sell products without stress. 

At Shopify, you are offered a 14-day free trial, to see how well you can do. In case you want a proper guide that will walk you through the course, we recommend Lucas Jackson’s course, for your training.

Sell your Arts

If you know that you are a very good artist, you can actually sell them at a very good price and make good money from them. The problem is most people don’t believe their art can actually sell, maybe because of how much it is worth or the name behind the artwork. Come on you can make cool cash if you give it a try you never can tell.

Write your Own eBook

You too can make a lot of dollars by writing your own eBook and publishing them, and people come and buy and you earn from it. There are people who have made more than 1,000 dollars in month by just publishing eBooks on Amazon. For you to write your own eBook, just search for a niche and begin the work.


Transcription is another online part-time job that is in higher demand, therefore, if you are fast in typing, you can take up a job of transcribing audio into text. In fact, you can help in turning podcasts, into YouTube videos in a normal text, and be paid for doing so.


Thank you for reading our Part-time Online Jobs that give you a $1000 monthly post, I hope you were able to get the best out of the article.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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