How to Easily get a Job with an International NGOs
Ask LSI Jobs

How to Easily Get a Job with an International NGO [2024 update]

If you are a person who likes to work with Non-Governmental Organizations, I know you would love to know how easy is it for you to get a job with an international NGO.

However, the truth of the matter is that it is not quite easy to get a job with an international NGO, but at the same time, it is also very easy to get it if you know the right website to search for information.

Moreso, it is possible for you to get it if you know some websites that offer NGO job opportunities. In the same vein, you must also acquire the basic skills and have experience of working with an NGO.

However, in this article, I will guide you with all the necessary information that you need to be able to get a job with an international NGO.

How to Easily get a Job with an International NGOs

What is an NGO

NGOs are organizations that are not owned or managed by the government. They are most times known as non-profit organizations. That means the essence of their existence is not for profit making.

This organization can either be a religious organization, charity, or human rights group that has special aims and objectives. And because they are not under the government, they tend to carry out their goals and targets without the interference of the government.

Classifications of Non-Government Organizations

Non-government organizations are subdivided into different categories. They are classified into four different types, they are as follows;

  1. Local NGOs
  2. Regional NGOs
  3. National NGOs
  4. International NGOs 

How to Easily Get a Job with an International NGO

To get a job easily from an international NGO, consider the following factors and work towards achieving them:

  1. Visit NGO websites regularly for updates
  2. Assess yourself
  3. Find out about the NGO you want to work with
  4. Visit NGO websites regularly for updates
  5. Volunteer
  6. Get educational training
  7. Find out the NGOs’ requirements from applicants
  8. Get experience/skills 

To get a job with an international NGO, you must first know the things that you have to do, to be accepted by any of those NGOs you would like to work with.

Here are some of the factors you need to take into consideration as you plan to get a job with an International NGO:

Assess yourself

You won’t just wake up and want to work with an international NGO, you have to first assess yourself before applying for it.

You must find out within yourself if this is really what you want to do, and if you are ready to do so. Ask yourself the following questions: 

Can you manage yourself and still manage others’ needs? 

Find out about the NGO you want to work with

There are so many NGOs, abroad, so which of the NGOs will you want to work with? And what do you want to get from the NGO?

Most people look for jobs for the sake of the money that they need, or want to make from that, NGO, if this is what you want, the money, then you may have a challenge with the job because NGOs don t pay much.

Get educational training

NGOs are looking for people who have relevant qualifications in the area that they want to work with.

It is good if you have a master’s degree in the career you want to go into. This is because most NGOs seek a master’s degree in the areas of specialization.

It is essential that you have in-depth knowledge of civil society and international affairs if you want to work with them.


You know that it is not easy to get a job with an international NGO, even with the master’s degree that you have? So the best advice for you is for you to get a volunteer job with the NGOs, that will make a way for you.

One thing you have to understand about volunteer jobs is that you will be paid very little or sometimes nothing at all, but if you can persist and stay, you will use that opportunity to learn more about the NGO.

Don’t just wake up and want to work with an international NGO, start your career with a local NGO that is in line with what you want, this will help you to get more knowledge about the NGO.

Visit NGO websites regularly for updates

Make sure that time after time, you log into the websites of the NGOs you want to work with to get the latest information about them.

There are so many websites that give people the latest job opportunities on their websites for interested persons, and you can get 

Find out the NGOs’ requirements from applicants 

You will not not be able to get a job with any NGO if you cannot meet their application requirements, that is why, it is important for you to find out what your NGO needs from you as an employee.

Get experience/skills

To work with an NGO, you need to have the necessary skills and experience that will enable you to work with the NGOs you are seeking a job.

The skills and experience you need can come from the voluntary job that you have done in your local NGO before the international NGO job that you are now seeking.


Websites where you can find NGO jobs abroad

If you are looking forward to getting a job from an international NGO abroad, you can use these websites and  search for them:

Human Rights Careers

The aim of Human Rights Careers is to equip, inspire, and educate people for a career in human rights.


They connect and inform people on matters that concern development, health, humanitarian, and sustainability professionals, through their organization.


This is a website that connects idealists, that is people who want to do, who want to use the opportunity they have to do good to those around them.


This is an NGO website that helps to offer emergency assistance to the international humanitarian community with all the information that they need.


This is another NGO website that offers jobs at the United Nations and affiliate organizations

DevNet Jobs:  

They Focus on international development jobs and consulting opportunities for people.

Areas of Job opportunities with NGOs

These are the fields and career areas that most NGOs need applicants from:

  • Teacher Training
  • Communications
  • Videography
  • Human Resources
  • Health
  • Forestry
  • Engineering
  • Psychology
  • Finance
  • Economics
  • Business Planning
  • Procurement
  • Data Collection and Analysis
  • Gender-Based Violence
  • Security
  • Monitoring & Evaluation


With those key factors I have listed out for you, you can successfully get a job with an international NGO, if you do your own part of the deal.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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