The Pros and Cons of Adopting Technology in Lecture Halls
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The Pros and Cons of Adopting Technology in Lecture Halls

Recently, technology has taken over the whole world. The same goes for its significant role in many firms, homes, schools, and organizations. The introduction of technology into the educational environment is currently at a high rate. In the last few decades, technology has changed the means of learning in our society and most importantly in our various classrooms.

The coming of technology just like other changes that have occurred over the decades has both pros and cons. However, the pros and cons of adopting technology in our educational system are enormous, and cannot be overemphasized.

But if I may ask, have you ever sat down and imagined the bad side of technology to your life or those around you? Unfortunately, some people don’t know that it has a very big influence. If you don’t know this piece will help you to discover them.

The Pros of Adopting Technology

To start with, pros mean the advantage of something. So in this piece, we are going to look at the advantages of adopting technology in our learning environment, especially our lecture halls or classrooms. Having said that, below are the pros of adopting technology in our lecture halls:

1. Independent/ Efficiency/ Easier Learning

The use of technology makes learning more independent, easier, and more efficient than ever before. Teachers can even assign tasks to students and encourage them to do them.

Nowadays students can make use of tools such as podcasts, and video streaming platforms to learn. However,
It makes learning easier.

I must say that students can be more independent when they are shown what to do, thus making learning can be more efficient.

2. Access to Infomation

The introduction of various devices and internet services has made learning and access to information easier, through the use of smartphones and computer systems.
With technology, students approach learning with more enthusiasm. They have the opportunity to access the latest information, instead of rooming about in the libraries and struggling with lots of books.


The technology-based educational system now provides students with diverse information formats such as:

  • Video,
  • Audio,
  • Text
  • Photos, and
  • Infographics.
  • With fast internet and stable WiFi, students can have access to any information they want, using their smart devices like phones, tablets, and laptops

3. Variety of Resources

Technology has offered us the opportunity to access information at the twinkle of an eye. Both students and teachers use it to get an up to date information about happenings in their environment. This includes online books, newspapers, and YouTube. Students and teachers can get results for their research, and homework work at the click of any search engine. Thereby helping them to perform excellently in their academics.

  • The use of videos makes learning more fun and exciting.
  • Videos can explain some difficult subjects.
  • It also makes studies more practical than theoretical.
  • Mobile phones, and computer software packages, have the capacity of making this possible

4. Teacher-Student Communication Made Easy 

So much has changed, including the way teachers communicate with their students. All these can be achieved through the use of technology.


The Cons of Adopting Technology

Technology is good, but if not used properly, can be dangerous to the academic life of the students who use them. Below are the cons of technology in our lecture halls:

1. Distractions to Students

Technology is a bunch of distraction for most students who cannot control their desire the use phones, and laptops. Most students fondle their phones, chatting on social media for many hours, thereby turning lazy towards their studies. It makes students lose the reading culture. With the invention of social media platforms and video games, students are already losing focus on their studies.

Too much use of technology will make students become addicted to the virtual world more than the real world.
This will make them gradually withdraw from face-to-face interactions.
Devices such as laptops and tablets in the classroom are bound to become a source of distraction to students if the software does not have restrictions on unrelated educational activities. However, there is a need to place restrictive measures on the educational gadgets of students, to ensure that the purpose is not abused

2. It discourages direct social interactions

Another notable con of technology is that it takes away the place of direct social interaction with others. Students no longer have much time to engage in a face to face interactions and communication with their teachers or friends as a result of too much concentration on the use of technology.

In most cases, students have become:

  • Addicted to gaming.
  • Social media platforms.
  • Pressing their phones always

3. Students’ Unequal Access to Technology

It is not all schools that provide technology for their students. And there are students who can’t afford: Smartphones,
iPads, Laptops, and other devices.
When this happens, students may not have access to technology, because of their different socioeconomic status quo. When students cannot afford reliable gadgets for themselves, they will not be able to have access to internet services. This will deprive them of catching up with other students in class. And where others are using gadgets and some students don’t have, it will demoralize them.

4. It Promotes Cheating.

Even before the introduction of technology in the educational systems, cheating has been invoked among most unserious students, however, technology makes it even easier. It is ranging from copy and paste.

When given assignments, projects, or term papers, they look for means of accomplishing these tasks without studying between the lines. It has contributed to most students graduating as indolent.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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