How to Become a Registered Member of NUPENG
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 How to Become a Registered Member of NUPENG

How to Become a Registered Member of NUPENG – Some persons do not know the importance of being a registered member of the NUPENG, also some do not know the relevancy or need of being part or member of the NUPENG.

Others do not even know what NUPENG is, its usefulness or importance, and the need to join or be a member.

There are other categories of persons who know the usefulness or need/importance of being part or member of the NUPENG.

Seeking to know how to register? Where to register? The eligibility to register? The requirements to register? The registration openings? Of NUPENG

This article talks extensively about NUPENG, its uses or importance, why you should register, eligibility for registration, the procedure or guidelines for registration, and how or where to register.

If you are among the categories of persons mentioned above or related to them, you are advised to read through this article carefully

 How to Become a Registered Member of NUPENG

NUPENG is a trade union that is known in full as the Nigerian Union of Petroleum and Natural Gas Workers. The union is a combination of different workers in extractive industries in Nigeria as a whole.

This trade union was brought into existence in the year 1977. At the time of birth about seven unions came together to form NUPENG and the include BP workers union, the consolidated Petroleum workers of Nigeria, the Esso workers union, the petroleum tankers drivers’ union, the Shell D’Arcy workers union, the Texaco African workers Union, the Union of shell operations

The trade union has affiliations with the Nigeria Labor Congress and the Petroleum and Natural Gas Senior Staff Association of Nigeria.

Over time the trade union has had several presidents, general secretaries etc who has been at the alms of administration.


Benefit of NUPENG  

  • Protection Of Workers’ Rights And Interest
  • Improved Working Conditions for its workers
  • Access To Training
  • Development Opportunities for Workers
  • Ensure Payments Of Workers’ Salaries And Wages
  • Promotion Of Social justice
  • Fostering partnerships with local organizations
  • Fostering partnerships with international organizations
  • Legal representation
  • Influence
  • Partaking in collective bargaining
  • Networking opportunities

Eligibility for NUPENG registration

The registration is open to all workers in the oil and gas industry ranging from truck drivers, petroleum tanker drivers, plant operators, engineers, pup attendants, and every other worker in the oil and gas industry.

From the above, it lists that workers in the upstream sector, downstream sector, midstream sector, support staff, and contractors are eligible to register for membership.

Required Documents Needed For NUPENG Registration

  1. A filled membership application form
  2. Two copies of recent passport photograph
  3. Valid means of identification (National ID card or passport)
  4. Original and photocopies of education or academic qualifications
  5. An introductory letter from your direct employer
  6. Recommendation letter from a current or an existing member of NUPENG

Requirements for NUPENG membership registration

All intending applications must

  1. Should be an employee of the oil and gas industry in any department in Nigeria
  2. Be a citizen of Nigeria or should have a valid work permit in Nigeria
  3. Valid age of 18 and above
  4. Have at least a minimum secondary school certificate
  5. Should be involved or have any past criminal record

Step By Step Guide on How to Apply 

The following are the steps involved in registration for NUPENG membership

  1. Check the eligibility status
  2. Get the application form
  3. Fill out and complete the application form
  4. Submit the application form
  5. Wait for the review process
  6. Pay your membership fees

Check the Eligibility Status

The very first thing to do in an application is to check if you are eligible to apply. The trade union has a certain description for the person who wishes to apply, it also has qualifications specifications for intending applicants, certifications, and work experience

As stated above if you fit in, you are eligible to apply, if you do not then you are not eligible to apply.

Get the Application Form

Of course, there is no way you can think of applying for something without filling out an application form, so you have to obtain the NUPENG membership application form at the NUPENG secretariat. The secretariat is at every branch that is available in Nigeria.

Fill and Complete the Application Form

You are to provide accurate details, in the provided spaces as required on the application form. Please ensure that the information provided is up to date, and accurate and does not have errors as it may lead to the automatic rejection of the application.

While filling out the application you are to provide the necessary document attached where necessary (passport), your work experience, academic qualifications, etc.

Submit Your Application Form

After confirmation of all the details or information provided you are to submit the application form at the same place you picked the form (NUOENG secretariat) or any of the NUPENG branches available. This will be processed and then handover to the review committee

Wait For the Review Process

This is the process where your application is being considered. Here all information provided will be cross-checked and validated. Same with your educational qualification.

The process might take time depending on the number of applications received at that period. Once your application is reviewed, the response will be sent to you on the decision of the committee.

Pay Your Membership Fees

This is like the last process of application. Here you have to pay your membership fees. This fee is being determined based on the category of membership you fall into.

Roles and Responsibilities of all NUPENG Members

The following are the roles and responsibilities of NUPENG members

  1. Payment of membership fees on time as scheduled
  2. Keeping to the principles and values of the NUPENG
  3. Always participating in the union’s activities
  4. Working in line with the Union Code of Conduct
  5. Ensuring the promotion of safety and health in working environments
  6. Being in support of other members /workers
  7. Partaking in collective bargaining of pay, benefits, and working conditions


This article covers firstly a brief overview of NUPENG, the benefits/importance of NUPENG, the required document for NUPENG registration, the requirements for registration, and the guidelines for registration.

For more information and inquiries you can visit the NUPENG official website at

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