Obafemi Awolowo University, Ile-Ife Post UTME
Admission Ask LSI Schools

OAU Post UTME Form Latest Update for 2023/2024 Admission

OAU University Post UTME Form Latest Update for 2023 Admission.

Gladly we are talking about one of the most important phases in the admission process at Obafemi Awolowo University. That’s the Post UTME screening process.

Most students take the post-UTME to be UTME. this is one of the reasons why students or candidates end up applying for years before gaining admission.

Students do not put the effort into the post-UTME as much as they did during the Joint Admission and matriculation board(JAMB) Examination.

While most students think it’s just screening as they will go and submit their files and boom they are done.

Also, students fail to attend the Post UTME examination, some because of ignorance about the date, some because of misinformation, some because of not knowing the location, and some because they were promised direct admission without stress.

Some do not even know the process of application, eligibility status, requirements, etc.

We will be discussing elaborately the post-UTME of Obafemi Awolowo University ( the venue of the Post UTME, the date of the post-UTME, the cost of the post-UTME, the eligibility and the requirement, and how to apply for the Post UTME.

OAU Post UTME Form Latest Update

Is the OAU Post UTME form out?

When talking about the Obafemi Awolowo University, the Post UTME for the 2023/2024 session is currently out. Therefore all candidates who applied and have met the requirement should log on to the school website to apply for their admission.

When is the  OAU Post UTME Screening Date?

The POS UTME exercise is scheduled to hold from the 23rd of August to the 26th of August 2023.

Before this period candidates are advised to prepare the requirements needed for the exercise. Photocopy all documents needed and also be at the venue whether online or offline.

To verify the date you need to get updated on information as regards the school. You can have access to this through your portal.

OAU Post UTME Requirements

  • WAEC result or Neco Result or Nabteb. (The result you used during Jamb registration)
  • A passport photograph
  • Jamb result printout
  • Jamb Registration Number
  • Admission letter from Jamb
  • Obafemi Awolowo university online registration printout
  • WAEC result or Neco Result or Nabteb. (The result you used during Jamb registration)

The requirement and the eligibility status for direct entry students and screening exercise Obafemi Awolowo university post UTME include 

  • Students who have the institution as their first choice while filling out the JAMB application from
  • Students who have scored above 200 in their JAMB examinations
  • A candidate who has cleared their SSCE with a minimum of 5 credit passes in relevant courses
  • A student who has at least 5 credit passes including the English language
  • Students whose SSCE result is not more than two settings.
  • Students who have attended the screening exercise and have been screened
  • Direct entry shouldn’t be who has uploaded their correct result online. they might not undergo any additional screening exercise
  • Also, direct entry students who have forwarded their fully translated transcripted submitted to the school’s admissions office
  • Pedigree students and the JUpepe students who are to register for the Post UTME too.

The venue for the Obafemi Awolowo university Post UTME 

The examination will be held on the school premises. All candidates are requested to log into their portal and check for the status of their application. if you have met the requirement, you will receive a message or instructions on your next step.

Also, note that different departments have different screening venues. All of it will be done on the school premises but in different venues. so you need to check your department and check your screening venue. you need to be time conscious.

How much is the screening fee?

The screening fee is Two thousand naira (2000). you can make payment for the screening online and then print an e-receipt or you can make payment on the school premises.

How to Apply for the Obafemi Awolowo University, OAU Post UTME Form

  • Using your preferred browser, log on to the school website https://oauife.edu.ng/
  • Log into the candidates portal using your registration number and your password.
  • Fill in the biodata form. This has to do with your personal information, emergency contacts, your WAEc upload, etc
  • Obtain the Remita Retrieval Reference Number (RRR) from the site. this s what you will use to make payments either online or at any of the commercial banks you visit.
  • Your payment will be accepted if the details provided are correct. The system will log you out so you can log in again.

Conclusion About OAU Admission

The Obafemi Awolowo University Ile Ife admits students yearly to study different courses in different departments and faculties.

Students are advised to follow the correct information and desist from fake news. not that the screening exercise can be done online or offline. As such you need to get updated on the changes and updates made by the school.

Go through the screening exercise schedule to confirm your screening dates, venue, and time.

Also, note that you are not allowed to make payments to any staff of the school or worker. you only requested to make payment to the approved account details.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I make my admission application online?

Yes, you can apply online but endeavor to print all receipt of payment as this wills serve as evidence for you.

Where will the screening take place?

The screening will take place on the school premises.

What is the required cut-off point for the screening?

A student whose cut-off point has reached 200.

Can a student who has the case f awaiting results register?

Yes, jamb admits students who have awaiting results, so the school accepts it too. But you have to upload your results online before the clearance.

What is the approved website for the application?

Using your proffered browser log on to https://oauife.edu.ng/

Which devices are preferred to be used when registering?

If you have a good android or iPhone, you can use it, you can also use a laptop, tablet, etc. s far it has a good internet connection

Recommendations for You

Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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