Which Code can I use to borrow MTN airtime and data
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Which Code Can I Use to Borrow Airtime and Data from MTN Now? *303#

Which Code Can I Use to Borrow Airtime and Data from MTN? Do you want to borrow airtime or data from MTN? As an MTN subscriber, there are times that you may run out of airtime or even data and you don’t have cash at that very moment to recharge, the next option you have is for you to borrow airtime or you borrow data, if that is what you want. The most important thing is that you need a way out of your limited airtime or data.

 You see, running out of data or airtime is something that happens to everyone, it can be in the market, farm, office, or any place at all, and the person affected will like to look for a possible means to adjust or solve the problem at hand without wasting of time, and that is where borrowing airtime or data comes in.

So in today’s article, we will be looking at the MTN codes that MTN subscribers or users can use to borrow airtime whenever they are out of call cards, and the MTN code for borrowing data by customers when the need arises. 

Which Code can I use to borrow MTN airtime and data

MTN Borrow Data/Airtime

MTN Borrow Data/Airtime is also known as extra data or extra time. So what does it mean? MTN extra data or extra time means that an MTN user can borrow data or airtime from MTN when he/she runs out of data or airtime and pay back later. That is what it means.

Eligibility and Requirements for Borrowing MTN Airtime

There is a popular saying that nothing good comes easy, in fact, don’t be surprised that, that saying also goes when you want to borrow airtime from MTN. why did I say so, because for you to borrow airtime from MTN, you have to meet some eligibility requirements, or else you won’t be allowed to access the extra time service? So let us look at some of the criteria that will qualify the users to access the service. They are listed here below;

  • Be a Prepaid customer 
  • Your phone number registered 
  • Must be an MTN user for more than 3 months
  • Must have used up to N200 monthly for 3 months
  • You need to have at least N75 in your main account
  • Paid up any outstanding XtraTime loan request

MTN Available Credit Brands for borrowing

There are different MTN credit bands available to different customers, they all depend on the Customer’s profile. The available credit bands are:

  1. N25 Xtratime
  2. N50 Xtratime
  3. N100 Xtratime
  4. N200 Xtratime
  5. N400 Xtratime
  6. N500 Xtratime
  7. N750 Xtratime
  8. N1,000 Xtratime
  9. N1,500 Xtratime
  10. N2,000 Xtratime
  11. N3,000 Xtratime
  12. N5,000 Xtratime

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Code for Borrowing MTN Airtime

Have you exhausted your airtime, and do you have an urgent need to make calls? What you need is the MTN code that you can dial immediately borrow airtime, and complete your transactions That is what we are going to tell you now in this section. The code is *303#. So if you are an MTN user, whenever your data finish the code to dial to borrow data is *303#. Now let us move to the procedures and the steps you need to follow to borrow airtime.

Procedure for Borrowing MTN Airtime

What is MTN borrow my airtime? It is a service that allows customers who meet the borrowing eligibility and requirements of Mtn to borrow airtime on credit when they run out of airtime and pay back whenever they recharge again. 

You have to follow the right step and instructions, for you to succeed in doing anything in life, if not, you are bound to meet failure, that is why we deem it fit to show you the way you can follow, whenever you want to borrow airtime from MTN. The steps are listed below:

Step 1: Dial *303#

Step 2: Select Xtratime/borrow airtime

Step 3: Choose your airtime borrowing amount

Step 4: Select “confirm”.

Step 5; A message will be sent to you by MTN notifying you of the success of your transaction.

Finally, remember that 15% will be charged as a service fee, while  85% of the amount you borrowed will be disbursed into your Xtratime account 

Procedure for Checking Borrowed MTN Airtime Balance

Since you now know how to borrow airtime, let us move down to how you can check your borrowed MTN airtime balance. 

When you borrow airtime from MTN and use and after a while, you decide to check how much is left in your account, this is how to go about it. You will just dial *303#. The steps to follow are:

  1. Dial *303#
  2. Select 2 (my account)
  3. After that, select 3 (account balance)
  4. You see the remaining of your borrowed airtime

Code for Borrowing MTN Data

Have you exhausted your data, and you have an urgent need to use data, what is the MTN code that you can dial immediately and borrow data, and complete your transactions? That is what we are going to tell you now in this section. The code is *312#. So if you are an MTN user, whatever your data finish the code to dial to borrow data is *312#. Now let us move to the procedures that are the steps you need to follow to borrow data.

Procedures for Borrowing Data from MTN

For you to succeed in doing anything in life, you have to follow the right step and instructions, if not, you are bound to meet failure, that is why we deem it fit to show you the way you can follow, whenever you want to borrow data. The steps are listed below:

  1. Simply dial *312#
  2. Many options will show
  3. Select 1 – for a data plan 
  4. Then select 5 – for borrowing Data
  5. There is an option that will display the amount you want to borrow, click on the amount
  6. There is a 10% charge for every airtime you borrow, so you have to confirm and accept it before you proceed
  7. When you have done that, you will receive a message, that confirms that your transaction was successful
  8. And after that, you will be instantly credited with the airtime amount you chose.
Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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