How to write An Up Work Proposal 
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How to Write an Upwork Proposal that Wins the Recruiter [2024 update]

How to Write an Upwork Proposal…

Are you a content writer, a content developer, or a content creator? Do you have a profile on work? Or do you know of a platform called Upwork? Are you interested in registering at Upwork?

Do you know how to create a free proposal on up work? Are you aware of the uses usefulness or importance of upwork?

All this and any more we will be discussing in the course of this article, so either as an intending content creator or an existing content creator who wishes to utilize the online space you are advised to go through the article carefully.

Before we talk about upwork proposal templates let’s take a brief overview of upwork for the benefit of persons who are hearing it for the first time.

How to write An Up Work Proposal 

Overview of Upwork

This is a company that was previously known as Elance –Desk. The company is an American freelancing platform.

What Is Freelance/Freelancing/Freelancer

By freelancing we mean one who is hired or employed by a different person, individual, or organization to work on different assignments.

This job can be done as a contract job.  This means the person is earning or making his or her means of survival from the job.

He or she is paid per work, job, or assignment done.

Upwork is a public company that was founded in 1999 as Elance and in 2003 as oDesk, also in 2013 as Elance-oDesk and finally in 2015 as Upwork.

The company is located in Santa Clara, California, United States. It has served different parts of the world and is a worldwide company with limited branches and a solid online presence.

Over time upwork has employed about 25% of professional into freelancing to be their own boss. Having covered the meaning of freelancing, freelancer, and freelance giving description on a brief overview of Upwork let’s talk about Upwork proposal

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What is an upwork proposal?

Just like a cover letter, an up-work proposal is a business proposal or cover letter that you use to highlight the key features of your services and how to strike to achieve a meaningful and successful project once hired.

This proposal is usually short and concise and it should include why your services should be the most preferred over other list of clients offering the same services.

How to Write an Up Work Proposal

To write an enviable and attractive Upwork proposal you are to follow the steps and guidelines below.

The very first step you need to take is to give answers to these three questions

  1. Do you have the capability of running a client project?
  2. Are you able to make their job easier by hiring you?
  3. Are you writing to make me succeed?

Do you have the capability of running a client project?

The very first question a client has in mind before thinking of hiring you is “I need someone who is able to handle my job” So seeing your proposal he’s like will you be able to handle my job.

A client is so much interested in the fact that you can complete not just different jobs but a particular job at a specific time.

Most jobs from the client’s perspective very unique and hard but for us freelancers, it is very simple and can be achieved in seconds. It is in your place to convince the client of your ability to complete the job providing its uniqueness’ with quality.

Are you able to make their job easier by hiring you?

Every client wants to know that you will be able to solve their issue. They need to see reviews or clues to assure them that working with you isn’t going to be stressful

Most clients are okay with workers who can deliver on time the quality they want without having to check on them, query or correct them.

On this note whatever your work is you are to give an example of what you do and the preview should be unique.

This way the client will feel relaxed giving you jobs and also help other clients locate you or find your profile easily for hiring.

Are you writing to make me succeed?

This is the ability to build confidence in your client. Make them feel dependent on you that you can help them succeed and that you have their back.

This will not give fixed clients but random referrals and recommendations where you won’t have to lack work or clients.

Start with a solution-driven sentence

This is like starting with “Hi I’ve seen your job posting and deducting from that you need a ………..” Here you have identified their problem and given a solution quickly.

Focus more on their needs and how to rectify them before introducing yourself. This makes them feel like the proposal is really for them

The Middle And Main Body Of Your Up Work

The middle of your work should be your background and how you have in previous work helped clients solve their problems which is the same or similar problems. This should be brief and concise

The main body is where you try to explain or prove to your client that you are a professional in the field.

This can be obtained by making careful and serious recommendations of the positive impacts you see or opportunities. This can also be obtained by asking a simple quest

How to End an Upwork Proposal

To end an Upwork proposal you start by asking questions about their projects or maybe include notification seeking when they are free to talk so you understand the project more

How long a proposal should be?

An upwork proposal should not be long or lengthy. All it seeks to justify Is a confirmation of your understanding of the problem and the ways you can solve it.

Therefore it should be brief and consistent and not lengthy than three paragraphs. Why this short is that clients may not have the time to read long proposals especially ones that start with individual introductions.

Format for an Upwork proposal

An upwork proposal should be written in the same format as that of the normal cover letter attached to a resume. Each proposal should be to solve a particular project’s problem.

Reason Why You Should Write an Irresistible Upwork Proposal

  1. To attract the client’s attention
  2. Show a better understanding of the client’s goal and job or work description
  3. To show evidence that you can get the job done
  4. To showcase your work samples and past results stating your experiences.
  5. Interact with the clients and get valid replies
  6. Stand out from competitors
  7. Help the clients understand why he or she should hire you or work with you.


This article covers the different guidelines when creating an upwork proposal, the format, the uses or importance and the reasons for an upwork proposal.

For more information and inquiries you can visit the Upwork official page at

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Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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