How Can I See Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram?
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How To See Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram? | 2024 Update

How To See Posts You’ve Liked on Instagram – Do you wanna see posts you’ve liked on Instagram? That is something we most times get confused about. After liking a post, and scrolling down or up, and probably want to get back to the liked post, but can’t find the post.

We may start searching, looking for that particular post we just liked, but to our greatest surprise, there is another post that pops up that we can’t find the post you’ve liked on Instagram. 

Sometimes, we may recall a post we had seen and liked and may want to go check that post again, the bit can get access to the post you’ve liked on Instagram

Most of us see a post and are confused if we have liked the post already or not. Now in this article, we will give you directions on how to find the post you’ve liked on Instagram. 

Here are the guides on how to see the post you’ve liked on Instagram

Let me tell you that it is very possible to see the number of posts you’ve liked on Instagram, as we proceed you will get to see how that is possible.

Here Are The Steps To See Posts You’ve Liked On Instagram:

  • First of all, go to your Instagram App, be it on your PC, Android phone, or iPhone. When you have opened the app. Log into your Instagram if you were logged out.
  • When you’ve successfully logged in, tap on your account Icon, which is your profile Icon which will appear either on the right side of your divide or the left. Here is the sample:

This is a sample from a PC, the profile Icon is found on the down left side of the screen.

  •  When you’ve tapped on the bar, the next thing to do is to click on the Menu bar, which will show you a sample of where to find the menu bar.

From where you’ve seen the menu bar, tap on it and it will take you to where you will see other options.

  • From the options displayed in the Menu bar, tap on the “Your Activities” bar that is displayed with other options.

This is what appears after selecting from the ‘Your Activities’  bar.

  • From the options displayed on your PC after tapping on “your Activities, click on “Interactions”.

From there it will display pictures and videos with other options for you, then check one of the options displayed, and you will see LIKES, click on the like ber.

  • When you tap on the option  “LIKES ”, all the pictures you have liked on Instagram will appear, it is only the last and most recent 300 pictures that you have liked will pop out.

You can sort and filter posts, from the options above the bar, you can click on the “Sort and Filter” bar, and you can sort out all new posts or all old posts or from the oldest to the newest post. 

Frequently Asked Questions 

Why is it hard to see the post I liked on Instagram?

Well, on Instagram, you can only check the last 300 posts you’ve liked on Instagram. To get access to the oldest post which is from 400 posts you’ve liked, you will have to check one post after the other.

That is a very long and stressful way to find the post you’ve liked on Instagram, and as such, it makes it difficult to find the post you’ve liked on Instagram.

The posts you’ve liked, where did they all go?

Here is where you can find the posts you’ve liked on Instagram:

  • First, open your Instagram
  • Go to the Menu on your profile
  • Click on Your activities
  • Then click on interactions
  • Finally, click on LIKES
What is Instagram about?

Instagram is one of the social media platforms where photos and videos are shared through mobile apps.

Pictures and videos taken for Instagram can be edited and published on Instagram, and everyone who is on Instagram can see your published photos or Videos.

And for everyone to see your post, you have to set your Instagram to Public, they can see, like and comment, even share your post.

How many followers do I need before I can get Verified on Instagram?

Well. it is not about the number of followers you have that will get your account verified. One of the unique requirements to get a verified account is to prompt your account as a brand account or a business account.

On Instagram, who has the most Viewed?

It is known that CHRISTIAN RONALDO has the most viewers on Instagram. For those who do not know who Christian Ronaldo is, he is a popular footballer, who has the most followers on Instagram.

Who is the highest-paid Influencer on Instagram?

Here are the numbers of influencers who are highly paid on Instagram

  • Christian Ronaldo
  • Leo Messi
  • Kylie Jenner
  • Selena Gomez
  • Dwayne Johnson
  • Ariana Grande
  • Beyonce Knowles
What makes Instagram special?

Instagram is a platform for sharing photos and videos with all your followers, you can connect with your favorite celebrities all over the world. 

As a beginner, how do I use Instagram for the first time?
  • First of all, sign up for an Instagram Account, and give it a username
  • Add a profile picture to it, give a biography of the account, and like it on another website.
  • Link your Instagram account to other social media platforms like Facebook. This will allow your Facebook friends to easily have the link to your account.
  • Post or share photos
  • Make a notification to your Facebook followers about your account on Instagram.
What are the Advantages of Instagram?
  • Accounts are easily created without a cost for it
  • Chances of getting contact are high
  • Photos, videos, tasks, etc are easily shared with others.
  • It can help to promote markets.
  • It can help to connect to other social media platforms like Facebook, and Twitter.
  • Instagram has Impressive filters
  • Instagram helps brand business.
What are the disadvantages of Instagram?
  • Most of the adverts on Instagram may not be legit
  • Most Images may be stolen on  Instagram.
  • Not all can have access to features on Instagram, especially if they are not using an Android phone.
Can I see who views my Instagram profile?

There is no way Instagram has made it possible for you or anyone to see who viewed their post and not like or comment.


In conclusion to all that has been said, follow the steps, then you will get to know and see the last 300 posts you’ve liked.

300 posts are the highest you can check for, other than that, you will have to check manually, which is one after the other.

Laurel Okon
Laurel is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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