Everything you need to know about HESI Exam & How to Prepare for the Exam
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Everything You Need To Know About HESI Exam & How to Prepare for the Exam (2024)

HESI is an abbreviation for Health Education Incorporated. This is a corporate body that is located in the united states. Its main function is to prepare nurses for their license examination.

Every candidate intending to toll the nursing career path has to pass through these exams at some stage of their career path.

The HESI examination is given to nurses who intend to take the NCLEX examination.

The purpose of this exam is to test their preparedness for the exams. It is a kind of warming-up examination or mock for nurses.

the outcome of a student’s grades in the HSEI exams shows the student’s readiness for the license examination.

This exam is used by some schools as a major criterion for admission. while others use it as a predictor.

Everything you need to know about HESI Exam & How to Prepare for the Exam

Everything you need to know about HESI Exam & How to Prepare for the Exam

The HESI is of two types. That is, it takes two different forms.

  • The HESI Admissions
  • The HESI Exit Exams

The HESI Admissions

The HESI A2 is an abbreviation for HESI admissions. this is an examination that lasts for about 4 hours.

It is being given by schools as part of the admission acceptance criteria to students who seek admission to a nursing school.

This exam is usually used to test the knowledge or capacity or capability of the students and it is used to qualify or disqualify their admission.

You must note that different schools use this exam but they do not use the same question or the same marking scheme or the same score grade.

Different nursing schools use the examination customized to their own according to their own format.

So it is advisable to, make research on the making scheme, exam format, and grade score as well as the curriculum of your intended school before time.

Format of HESI A2 / Time Limit

The HESI A2 comprises a total of 326 questions. it includes nine (9) various sections.

The nine sections include

  1. Reading
  2. Grammar
  3. Comprehension
  4. vocabulary
  5. Chemistry
  6. Physics
  7. Mathematics
  8. Anatomy/physiology
  9. Biology


The reading section comprises a total of 47 questions. all the questions are health-related questions.

The main aim of this section is to test the student’s ability to read, pare attention and logically think about health conditions, and make logical conclusions and decisions


The grammar section is made up of a total of 50 questions in 50 minutes while the comprehension section is made up of a total of forty-seven questions in 60 minutes.

The vocabulary section is made up of a total of 50 questions in 50 minutes. This section together with the reading section is classified to be the English language.

The objective of this section is to test the student’s knowledge of basic health terms, vocabulary, and grammar.


This part of HESI involves a total of 25 questions that finish in 25 minutes. It involves questions about chemical equations, chemical reactions, bonding (covalent bonding, etc), and more of the periodic table.


Physics consists of 25 questions. still on chemical equations, properties, energy theories and etc


This consists of 50 questions in total to finish in 50 minutes. it is further broken down to include topics like dosage calculations, fractions, decimals, ratios, addition, subtraction, differentiation, multiplication, and household measures


This is merged as one and it consists of 25 questions to finish in 25 minutes. The question in this section will be mainly about body anatomical structures, the body systems, and different health terminologies


This is like the unavoidable part of the exams, it consists of 25 questions to finish in 25 minutes, with its main focus on cellular respiration, metabolism, photosynthesis, etc.

The HESI Exit Exams

is the second part of the HESI examination. This particular exam is more like a mock examination that is given to students to determine their prospective scores or grades in the license examination.

The exams are usually given to a student who is going to be writing the license exams in a short time, it tests their readiness.

It is used to determine their score in the upcoming license examination. it serves as a predictor.

This Exam is divided into two.

  • The HESI RN Examination
  •  The HESI LPN Exit Examination

The HESI RN Examination consists of 150 questions while the HESI LPN examination consists of approximately 150 questions or 70 question minimum.

The main of these two is to help test the thinking skill and assess the logical ability of the candidate. It is more like an NCLEX examination

The questions involved include filling in the blank spaces, giving multiple questions, dragging and dropping on appropriate places, and multiple choice questions.

The Exam topics of the HESI exams may include Nursing processes, the client’s or patients’ needs, specialties, etc.

Where the HESI examination is usually taken/Registered

The examination is registered and  takes place in two places a

  •  A post-secondary institution (college/university)
  • Prometric Testing Site.


All candidates or students can apply for accommodation at a post-secondary institution or at a Prometric testing center.

Accommodation is needed for some students to give them adequate time to prepare for the exams.

While most times as demanded by the nature of the examinations or based on recommendations.

To apply for accommodation, you need to use a medical organization letterhead, the content of the letter should include phone contact, and give a detailed explanation of disabilities, health conditions, and possible emergency situations.

It must not be more than five (5) years

Cost of the Test

The cost of the HESi test is based on the nursing school you applied for. this is to say it varies.

It also varies based on the type whether for admission or exit exams. it is advisable to take these tests at the on-campus testing location than the Prometric centers because of the cost (it is more expensive in a Prometric center).

We have other fees including retake fees, test prep fees, rescheduling fees, proctoring fees, etc

How to Prepare for the Exam

  1. Be conversant with and understand the format of your exams (subject involved, number of questions each, grading system, the duration for each subject, cut-off point, etc)
  2. Make and follow your study schedule.
  3. Get a HESI study guide ( you can download it )
  4. Enroll yourself with HESI prep courses and go through the practice test.
  5. Do online courses.
  6. Prepare yourself for individual examination
  7. Have your own flashcards


The HESI examination is an examination taken by nursing students or nursing candidates either to determine their admission status or to predict their outcome in the coming NCLEX examination.


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