Opportunities for Law Students in Nigeria
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2024 Opportunities for Law Students in Nigeria

I know that you will begin to think about what area you can delve into as you approach your final year in school. Apart from being a solicitor or an attorney, what other job opportunities are there for you as a law student? If you have thought of this and have not got the answer, you will get your answers in this article. In this article, we will list and discuss all the available opportunities that you can have as a law student who is about to graduate from the university.

However, just going to the court of law to argue cases for people is not all that there is in the law profession. There are other areas where a graduate of law can also find an opportunity to work, and that is what we are here to discuss with you in case you are a law student faced with these problems, please read this article for full gist on the topic. As a law graduate, you can find work in sectors such as Education, Military and paramilitary, Writing and Publishing, ICT or tech companies, and Dispute Resolution centers.

Opportunities for Law Students in Nigeria

Opportunities for Law Students in Nigeria

The following are the available opportunity areas where law students can get jobs as they finish their school.

  • ADR Practice & Consultancy
  • Military and Paramilitary
  • Judicial Officers
  • Research Assistants
  • Conveyancers
  • Advocacy
  • Soliciting
  • Law Teaching
  • Law Writing
  • Brief Writing


The Nigerian legal practice is categorized into two, and these two categories are advocacy and soliciting. Therefore, you can choose to be an Advocate, a Solicitor, or both.

Advocacy is a job in the law that involves a lawyer going to court to stand in for or represent a client. Sometimes it can also be when a lawyer has to stand by his/her client in signing an important document or agreement between the client and the other party.


Solicitors are the ‘wig and gown’ lawyers, they are the type of people who are very bold, outspoken, and assertive people. This kind of profession is not for all students, it is for those students who possess the qualities listed above. The main job of solicitors is to go to court to defend their clients and offer counsel to their clients.

Law Teaching 

Some law students don’t want to become solicitors or advocates after school, so some of them find themselves working in the educational system. They teach in secondary schools as government, social studies, or civic education. At a higher level, some work as university or polytechnic lecturers who teach the legal system and others.

Law writing

Some law students are there who like writing, so they can combine their law with writing. This is another job opportunity for law students to delve in. So if you are a law student who has been wondering about the job opportunities to go into, this is for you. However, you can write specifically\ on the following:

  • Journals
  • Articles
  • Reviews, 
  • Textbooks
  • Encyclopedias
  • And other printed materials. 

Law Consulting

Consulting is one of the available for law students to explore. Here law students or legal practitioners give professional legal advice to people who have one issue or the other that needs the advice of a lawyer. They are there to help their clients on legal matters, and civil or criminal cases as well.

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Brief Writing

This is for those set of law students who work as secretaries or personal assistants to legal practitioners. Apart from writing briefs, as a law student, you can also do the following:

  • Draft contractual agreements
  • Draft letters, etc.

ADR Practice & Consultancy

This is another type of opportunity that a law student can get. It involves settling disputes for people who have differences from the conventional way of going to court to settle differences for people. It is an out-of-court way of settling disputes. This involves:

  • Mediation
  • Arbitration
  • Conciliation
  • Negotiation
  • And counseling

Military and Paramilitary Laws

This is another opportunity for lawyers to get themselves a job to do. As a lawyer, before you practice in any of the paramilitary or even military, you will have to become a member of the force before you can practice or specialize under the umbrella. It can be laws for the following forces

  • Military law
  • Navy Law
  • Air force law
  • And other areas.

Judicial Officers

These are officers in the law court who work as court clerks. They work as clerks in the appeal courts and the Supreme Court. For you to work in this position, it is expected that you have a degree in law or be a legal practitioner. This is a good example of the work of a court clerk.

Research Assistance

In this case, law students who are good at research can venture into research work by attaching themselves to a law firm and researching for anything that they need to work on their cases. Those who work here will help legal practitioners with their cases, and help search for:

  • Current cases
  • Current judicial decisions
  • And the latest legislation changes
  • If any statute has been amended

NOTE: This is an indispensable area of the law that has been relegated to the background.

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The conveyance legal practitioner helps with the documentation, payment of statutorily required fees, and completion of the process. This is a job opportunity whereby the legal practitioner focuses on the 

  • Distribution of properties of their clients
  • Drafting of wills
  • Reading of wills at the demise of the testator
  • And ensuring that everything is done properly

Other Opportunities

Apart from the job opportunities that we have discussed, there are other opportunities for law students can get jobs as legal practitioners as follows:

  • Legislative Drafting
  • In-house Law Jobs
  • Law Publishing/Blogging
  • Law Reporting
  • Law Journalism 
  • Print, Broadcasting, and New Media 
  • Law Capacity Development Practice


Those are the opportunities you can get as a law student. As we mentioned above, you can find work in sectors such as Education, Military and paramilitary, Writing and Publishing, ICT or tech companies, and Dispute Resolution centers.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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