Careers You Can Pursue With a Biology Degree

10 Best Careers You Can Pursue With a Biology Degree in 2024

Careers You Can Pursue as a Biology Degree Holder – Studying biology does not mean that you can only become a laboratory scientist, there are many other career paths for you to explore.

So, if you are worried about the career to choose after you have graduated from school as a biology degree holder, then just consider it as it’s no longer your worry because, in this article, you’ll be enlightened on the best choice of careers you can pursue as a holder of a degree in Biology from any tertiary institution.

Biology, is a wide range of fields that you can think of, and with a biology degree, there are various careers that you can consider for yourself after graduation.

This is a degree that allows working in the entire human body, however, in this article, I will help you put together, all the careers that you can have as a degree holder in this field. Now let me first look at what the biology degree is like.

Careers You Can Pursue With a Biology Degree

About Biology Degree 

 Biology is a course that is studied at the University by most science students. 

The course trains and prepares students for various careers in fields including but not limited to the following:

  • Healthcare, 
  • Research, Education, 
  • And environmental conservation

After a student is done with his or her studies, they will be offered a degree in biology which they can use to apply for any job of their choice.

Careers You Can Pursue as a Biology Degree Holder 

As a graduate of biology, there are many careers you can explore, among them are:

  1. Biologists 
  2. Health educator
  3. Biological technician
  4. High school science teacher
  5. Quality control technician
  6. Pharmacy technician
  7. Pharmacologist
  8. Food scientist
  9. Physical therapists (PTs
  10. Dentist 


One of the popular job opportunities that you can do as a biology degree holder is to become a biologist. Being a biologist means working as a scientist who applies all the knowledge you have acquired or have learned to study the following:

  • Living organisms, h
  • Humans and animals, 
  • Plants and bacteria 
  • And their relationship to our environment.

The main job of biologists is to know and understand the functioning of the entire body of humans and other organisms and how it is been affected by external factors. When they have found these, they then look for new treatments for the disease.

High school teacher

As a graduate of biology, you can take up a job as a science teacher in a secondary school, their job is to teach and educate students on the fundamentals of biology.

If you graduate with a biology degree, you are saddled with the responsibility of

  • Making lesson plans,
  • Lecturing, 
  • Answering questions,
  • Assigning homework 
  • And grading examination material.

To to employed to do this job, you must have a bachelor’s degree in biology.

Forensic Scientist

A biology degree holder can also work as a forensic scientist. Here, he/she is meant to carry out criminal investigations, through the collection and analysis of biological data or evidence that are related to the case at hand.

This aspect of the career focuses on laboratory analysis and crime investigations.

Quality control technician

The quality control technician’s work is to see to it that there is effectiveness and quality of a company’s products. You can work as a quality control technician, for pharmaceutical manufacturers or food producers. 

The quality control technician must oversee the production or testing of materials purchased from outside vendors. The area of specialization of this technician is to carry out research, quality assurance or food storage.


A biology degree holder can also work as a pharmacologist. The pharmacology can pursue a career in this field, where he/she studies toxicology and drugs, and how these drugs affect human beings.

It is the work of a pharmacologist to understand how drugs and toxins dissolve into the body system, as well as the reaction of the body towards the substance.  

Food scientist

As a biology degree holder, you can work as a food scientist, who creates food addictives that can help the improvement of food storage methods and safety.

Part of the things that you will usually do as a food scientist is to conduct laboratory tests, to find out the quality of products. As a food scientist, you can work with the government or a food production company.

Biomedical engineer

This is another career path for those who studied and graduated with a biology degree. If you are interested in designing instruments that can be used for medical purposes, then you can opt-in for this particular career.

Designing biomedical equipment/machines for diagnosing and treating medical issues or problems, is the main focus of biomedical engineers. In addition to that, they also develop artificial intelligence organs and also provide technical support for biomedical devices.


Physical therapists (PTs) 

This is a career path that holders of degrees in biology can also pursue. In this field, the therapist’s major work is to support patients with injuries or chronic conditions that do not allow them to have a quality life, but rather cause pain or negative Pharmaceutical sales to represent their quality of life. 

Therapists who are in this job, help the patients through prescribed movement exercises and patient education to become better, reducing the pain patients have been passing through.

You can be employed by:

  • Hospitals
  • Rehabilitation facilities
  • Schools
  • Private practices
  • Sports and fitness facilities


This is another career path for a biology degree holder. A dentist, role is to ensure that their patient has a good tooth condition. To achieve this, he or she will examine, treat, and diagnose patients’ teeth, gums, and other parts of the mouth. 

Other roles played by a dentist are to repair fractured teeth, fill cavities take patient x-rays, and mentor the patients on how to care for their teeth and maintain their oral health.

Other career paths for biology degree holsters are

  • Hydrologist 
  • Medical managers
  • Pharmaceutical sales representatives
  • Legal specialist
  • Genetic councillor
  • Microbiologist
  • Occupational therapists
  • Veterinarian
  • Physician 
  • Nurse practitioner


Those are the career paths that a biology degree holder has and can apply for, as a career. Hope that was helpful enough to you. That is to prove to you that studying biology does not mean that you can only work in the laboratory as a lab scientist.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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