Careers You Can Pursue Without a Degree
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7 Careers You Can Pursue Without a Degree in 2024

Careers You Can Pursue Without a Degree – Are you worried that you will not be able to get a reasonable job because you don’t have a University degree? Even if you don’t have a degree, you can still get a good job that will give you a good sum of money, all you need to do is to look for jobs that do not require a degree, and they are numerous. 

There are so many careers that you can dive into and earn so much money by obtaining a degree. In this kind of career, academic attainment is not the problem, the most important thing that is required is the skill to execute such jobs.

In this article, you will be offered a list of careers that you can get, without having a University career. The following are some of the careers that you can pursue, even without a University degree.Careers You Can Pursue Without a Degree

About Career

A career can be defined in different ways by different people. Some people see a career as a trade, occupation, or profession, that a person chooses to work on.

Also, a career is what you do for a living, which may require educational training and sometimes may not. Every career has its educational training. It may be a formal education or an informal education, just like the one that we are going to discuss today in this article.

In today’s discussion, we are going to look at careers that one can do without obtaining a University degree.

Careers You Can Pursue Without A Degree

Looking for a career you can pursue without a degree? Check out this list of careers and others that you do not need to back a degree:

  • Data entry clerk
  • Marketing representatives
  • Appliance technicians
  • Fire inspectors
  • Electrician Driver
  • Real estate agent
  • Installers and repairers of elevators and escalators

Data Entry Clerk

This is a job whereby an employee is made to carry out a task by entering the computer’s alphanumerical data into a company’s database. This is one job that does not require any University degree before you can be offered the job. In this job, you are paid based on the information you input into the system.

What applicants need for this job is not a degree, but;

  • Computer literacy
  • Typing speed
  • Working ethics
  • Basic computer skills

Marketing Representatives

Marketing representatives don’t need a degree to do their jobs, but what they need is marketing skills, and how to use specific strategies and techniques to raise customer awareness regarding the products or services he or she is selling for the employers.

Instead of a University degree, in marketing, soft skills, and sales/marketing experience are preferable to employers than a degree, without a marketing strategy.

Appliance Technicians

They are home or office appliance, experts who fix any home or office appliance challenges for people or organizations. So long as this technician has a secondary school education, which enables him/her to read and write, that is alright. To perform this task, he/she requires experience in the field.

The job of an appliance technician includes:

  • Air conditioning or central heating occasionally malfunctions.
  • Work on repairing heating, air conditioning, 
  • Ventilation and refrigeration systems are all involved. 


These are employees who work in private homes, office buildings, and factories. Electricians are saddled with the responsibility of installing, maintaining, and repairing electrical devices and networks that have faults.

This is one professional career that requires experience and expertise, skills, and techniques but does not require a University degree. If you are looking for jobs that you can do and make money even without a degree, becoming an electrician is an option.


Most people eastern a living as drivers. They are hired by top-notch firms and companies and paid a huge sum of money whether they have a degree or not.

A driver does not necessarily need to have a degree to drive, he/she needs a driving skill, experience, and knowledge of the road networks that he/she is working on. A driver with a secondary school certificate, a good communication skill, and know-how to read and write can work in the best organization and make a living from it.

Real Estate Agent 

A real estate agent’s career is another career that you can pursue without a University degree. This includes the job of selling or renting a real estate property.

With an educational knowledge level from secondary school, you can become a real estate agent who gets involved in selling or renting real estate properties. This includes residential homes, office space, warehouse space, and land sales.

Installers And Repairers Of Elevators And Escalators

Installers and repairers of elevators and escalators are employed in many multinational companies without a University degree. So if you have knowledge or skills in this area, you can apply and start working as one without having a degree.

Fire Inspectors

Fire inspectors and investigators are those who have gathered knowledge in the fire

fighting profession over the years. diploma and on-the-job training provide the basic foundation you need to get started. 

  • Fire inspectors identify fire hazards, 
  • Ensure fire codes are met, 
  • Test fire extinguishing systems, 
  • Review evacuation plans, 
  • Offer education on fire safety.
  • Investigators analyze evidence from fires, 
  • Documenting, and determining the cause and origin. 


Other Careers You Can Pursue Without A Degree

Apart from the careers mentioned, there are other careers that you can pursue without a degree, they include the following:

  • Production and operations supervisors
  • Construction and building inspectors
  • Flight attendant
  • Court reporters
  • Hearing aid specialists
  • Food service managers
  • Property managers
  • Structural iron and steel workers
  • Wind turbine technicians
  • Sheet metal workers
  • Chefs or head cooks
  • Insurance sales agents
  • Real estate agents
  • Airfield operations specialists
  • Farm labor contractors
  • Solar photovoltaic installers
  • Pharmacy technician
  • Dental hygienist
  • Paralegal
  • Web developer
  • Consultant
  • Travel agent
  • Courier
  • Bookkeeper
  • Geological and petroleum technician
  • Plumber
  • Medical technician
  • Business intelligence analyst
  • Insurance agent
  • Civil engineering assistant
  • Mechanic
  • Sound engineering technician
  • Solar photovoltaic installer
  • Welder
  • Ultrasound technician
  • Detective
  • Dispatcher
  • Farmer
  • Postmaster
  • Phone interviewer


It is no longer a big case that you must obtain a degree before you can do a reasonable job that will earn you money or earn a living. If you have the needed skills you can earn a living with a career that does not require a degree.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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