JAMB Recommended NOVELS For Literature in English
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JAMB Recommended NOVELS For Literature in English (2024/2025)


Hello guys! Are you looking for the recommended text for the 2023/2024 JAMB UTME? We have it here for you, so don’t search anymore.

For students who are going to write Literature in English, you have to pay very much attention to this information, because this page concerns you most especially.

If you are a JAMB UTME candidate, you need to read this article so that you will know the JAMB recommended text or novels, and the poems that you need to read to prepare for your AJMB UTME.

JAMB Recommended NOVELS For Literature in English

JAMB Recommended NOVELS For Literature in English (2024/2025)

Is it true that the JAMB UTME recommended novels for the 2023/2024 academic session are out? Yes, the novels and the poems that prospective candidates are to pay for have been published, so if you are having in mind to write JAMB for the 2023/2024 academic session, then read this article.

If you are preparing for the 2023/2024 Joint Admission and Matriculation Board, UTME, these are the recommended Literature in English texts or novels that you have to study for your JAMB examination.

Literature in English has different categories. So in this section, we are going to take a cursory look at them one after the other. Some of them even have sub-divisions. The categories include 

  • Drama, 
  • Prose, 
  • Poetry,
  • Literary appreciation or principles


Text for Prose

The prose, just like the drama, is subdivided into two. We have the African prose and non-African prose.

African prose:

Unexpected Joy at Dawn by Alex Agyei-Agyir

Second Class Citizen by Buchi Emecheta

Non-African prose;

Wuthering Heights by Emily Bronte


Recommended Text for Drama

The drama category is subdivided into two, African drama and non-African drama. JAMB UTME candidates are to read the following recommended texts or novels;

African Drama:

  • Black Woman by Leopold Sedar Senghor
  • The Leader and the Led by Niyi Osundare
  • The Grieved Lands by Agostino Neto
  • The Song of the Woman of My Land
  • Lade Wosornu = Raider of the Treasure Trove 
  • A Government Driver on His Retirement


Non-African Drama

  • The Good Morrow by John Donne
  • Caged Bird by Maya Angelou
  • T.S. Elliot = The Journey of the Magi 
  • Bats by D.H. Lawrence

Recommended Poetry 

In the poetry category, we also have two subdivisions, which are African poetry and non-African poetry.

African poetry:

These are poems that are written by Africans and are recommended for JAMB UTME candidates.

  • Vanity by Birago Diop 
  • Ambush by Gbemisola Adeoti
  • Piano and Drums by Gabriel Okara
  • The Dining Table by Gbanabam Hallowell
  • Lenrie Peter  = The Panic of Growing Older 
  • Kofi Awoonor  = The Anvil and the Hammer

Non-African Poetry:

These are poems that are written by Africans and are recommended for JAMB UTME candidates.

  • Crossing the Bar by Alfred Tennyson 
  • The Pulley by George Herbert
  • The School Boy by William Blake
  • The Proud King by William Morris

Poetry Anthologies 

For candidates to be able to understand the recommended poems, it is advisable for them to obtain the following poetry anthologies that will help to simplify the poems for their understanding.

Naked Soles 

Gbemisola, A. (2005)  

Ibadan: Kraft

The Penguin Book of English Verse

Hayward, J. (ed.) (1968) 

London Penguin

New Poetry from Africa

Johnson, R. et al (eds.) (1996) 

Ibadan: UP Plc

Oxford Anthology of English Literature, Vol. II, 

Kermode, F. et al (1964)

London: OUP

West African Verse

Nwoga D. (ed.) (1967) 

London: Longman

A Pageant of Longer Poems

Parker, E.W. (ed.) (1980) 

London: Longman

 Selection of African Poetry

Senanu, K. E. and Vincent, T. (eds.) (1993) 

Lagos: Longman

Poems of Black Africa,

Soyinka, W. (ed.) (1987) 

Ibadan: Heineman

Types of Poetry

Candidates are expected to study the following types of poems:

  1. Sonnet
  2. Ode
  3. Lyrics
  4. Elegy
  5. Ballad
  6. Panegyric
  7. Epic
  8. Blank Verse, etc.

Poetic Devices:

  1. Structure
  2. Imagery
  3. Sound(Rhyme/Rhythm, repetition, pun, onomatopoeia, etc.)
  4. Diction
  5. Persona

Literary Appreciation

Appreciation is also another part of the literature that candidates need to study hard for their examination

  1. Thematic preoccupation
  2. Socio-political relevance
  3. Style.

Narrative Techniques/Devices

Point of view

Omniscient/Third Person

First Person


Round, flat, foil, hero, antihero, etc


Textual Analysis:



Setting (Temporal/Spatial)

Socio-political context

Read Also:

Prose Types:

There are two different types of prose, they are fiction and non-fiction

Fiction prose



Short story





Fiction: a combination of fact and fiction


Dramatic Techniques

The following dramatic techniques will also be part of the areas that candidates will answer questions from, and so they need to read it too.










Lighting etc.

Interpretation of the Prescribed Texts:



Socio-political context



Here we come to the end of this post on JAMB Recommended NOVELS For Literature in English (2024/2025). Now that you have seen your Literature in English recommended text, move straight to the market and buy them including the poetry anthologies that we listed above.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at LegitSchoolInfo.com. Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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