How to Produce Liquid Soap in Nigeria in 2024 
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How to Produce Liquid Soap in Nigeria in 2024 

How to Produce Liquid Soap in Nigeria in 2024-  One of the most essential things that is needed in the home of every individual is soap. Every household as long as a human being is in existence makes use of this.

This makes the product an important commodity for human existence. while other households choose the kind of soap they use, quite a number choose the liquid soap. Especially restaurants, fast food etc. 

Most of these liquids are not being produced out of the states, some are being produced at home and it has been proven to be useful without effect over time. 

Hence, the need for this article. As prices sprung up, we may need to reconsider the value of homemade products. 

Liquid soap is being used in washing and cleaning processes as a whole. it is used in the different processes of cleaning. 

Liquid soap is a form of soap that is produced in liquid (watery) form and Is very different from solid (bar) soap because it is lighter, easy to carry and the amount of usage can be defined. 

Overtime the need for this product has risen and the demand is on the high side which makes this production a lucrative and a niche for profit-making in Nigeria. 

Here we will take you through a guide on how to make liquid soap. First we will start with the ingredients or requirements you need to make liquid soap. 

How to Produce Liquid Soap in Nigeria in 2024 
How to Produce Liquid Soap in Nigeria in 2024

Requirement for making Liquid soaps 

Here are the basic requirements you need to have when thinking of the production of liquid soap 

  1. Water
  2. Palm kernel oil 
  3. Sodium ash 
  4. Sodium silicate
  5. Colorant and fragrance 
  6. Caustic soda also known as sodium hydroxide 


This is the very first thing that is inevitable in all liquid soaps. Water Is used in the mixing and production process. 

You may ask if it is normal water or a particular type of water. Yes, it is normal water.

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Palm kernel oil 

It is a product that is extracted from palm oil and we have large supplies of this in Nigeria although the cost might be alarming in some parts of the country. 

Soda Ash 

This is a kind of alkali used in production. The main use of this is to naturalize the office of the caustic soda. 

Sodium Silicate

This serves as a thickening agent in liquid soap. It helps or gives the soap a smooth and thick texture for foaming.

Colorant and fragrance 

This is like the finished products added to give the soap an appealing look and a pleasant smile. This is always determined by the producer .most times production is done without this depending on the production importance. 

Caustic soda also known as sodium hydroxide 

the base of production. Without this, liquid soap production is not achieved. It is that inevitable product in both liquid and solid soap production. 

It is obtained from the process of saponification. The conversion of fats and oils into soap 

Cost of Liquid Soap Requirements. 

The above-mentioned items’ cost varies. Also, you might not find everything in one place. 

Most importantly, the cost is different based on location. You might it cheaper in state A and buy it costlier in state B. The same applies to the quantity. 

  1. Caustic soda  2500
  2. Plam kernel oil 7,000
  3. Soda ash 1500
  4. Sodium silicate 2500
  5. Colourant 1000
  6. Fragrance 2000
  7. Water 20 Liters (depending on the quantity)

The above price list covers the production of an enviable amount of liquid soap to last a household for a month or more  depending on usage 

Equipment needed for soap Production 

  1. 30 litres bucket 
  2. Extra Large cooking stick 
  3. Measuring cup 

Process Involved in the production process 

  1. Measurement 
  2. Pouring 
  3. Mixing 
  4. Heating 
  5. Cooling 
  6. Neutralization thickening 
  7. The addition of fragrance and colour 
  8. Packaging 


This is the very first step in the liquid soap production process. After getting the equipment steady, you need to measure each of the chemicals that will be used in the production process. This is because not all ingredients are put at once and not all are in equal proportion. 

You have to be careful in this process as one mistake can lead to great harm or loss. 


These chemicals have the time and format of pouring. you don’t just pour everything at once. you put them one after the other based on their level of toxicity. 


The third sep is the mixing process . from the water to the rest of the ingredients , you need to mix them together and properly . 

He mixture should be done in a large pascius tank to avoid bursting. note that tis chemicals are dangerous 


Once the ingerdient are properly mixed, you heat the content with a maximum temperature of 80 degrees celsius . the aim of this is to help dissolve any particles left and also provide an even mixture 


Another major steps that needs caution is ths process. You are to bring down the mixture and allow it to cool to a celsius degree of 50 degrees Celsius. This will help effectively in the naturalization stage 


This is a stage where citric acid is being added to the mixture. this is to help naturalize the caustic soda to avoid skin burns. 


Adding salt to the mixture is another step . The sal addede helps in thickening he liquid soap in progress 

Fragrance and Colour 

Depending on the choice of the producer, add the colour you wish the soap to have , the same with fragrance and stir 


This the last thing you need to do. package the product in the container you wish it to have. Either in bottles, sachets or plastic containers. 

Safety Equipements 

  1. Protective glasses 
  2. Handgloves . 

Safety Tips 

  1. Always try as much as possible to wear protective gear to avoid splash or contact with the eyes . 
  2. Also, ensure to use hand gloves to avoid burns should your skin have contact with the liquid 
  3. Always Ensure proper Ventilation
  4. While stirring the chemicals keep eyes far. Also try as much as you can to be far while turning. Use a long stick. 

This article give you a complete guide on how to make liquid soap. Starting from the equipment, the requirement and the processes involved in production. 

For more information and inquiires you can drop a comment in the comment box below . 

Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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