Are hobbies really important when writing a Curriculum Vitae? Should we include them in our CV? If yes or no we will find out in this article today. And you will also learn if you can include any hobby in your CV.
When you are writing your Curriculum Vitae,(CV) there is a part of your CV that requires you to enshrine your interest or what is popularly known as hobbies, but that is not all the hobbies you can put in, so in this article we are going to list out some of the hobbies that you can include in your CV.
Hobbies can be understood as regular activities that individuals perform and enjoy in their leisure time. They are what we do for fun when we have off.
It is something that is done to ease people from stress, and emotional trauma. Different people have different hobbies, and as such when writing your CV you will only include the ones that you are passionate about. During interview sessions, interviewers usually ask interviewees about their hobbies.
Most Used Hobbies/Interest in Applicants Job Resume
The following interests or hobbies are mostly used by applicants for their job resumes:
- Dancing
- Learning Languages
- Music
- Video Gaming
- Traveling
- Blogging
- Reading
- Photography
- Sports
- Arts
From the list above, let us look at a brief explanation of each of the hobbies and interests.
Arts is one of the most interesting hobbies you can think of because arts embodies creativity. It calls for deep things that will give birth to a very nice craft, and most companies are shouting after employees who are creative.
Who does not want to hire an employee with a mentally clear mind, which is the work of Yoga? Yoga also helps those who find it as a hobby to relieve chronic stress patterns, relax the mind, and sharpen concentration.
Dance is one hobby that shares benefits with sport it is one hobby that almost everyone will love to show for, but unfortunately, it is not all that know how to dance or like to dance. Dancing is part of the exercise, therefore, its benefits are innumerable: physical health, strength bones, stamina, and keeping fit helping the brain to work well.
Sports and every other activity are very good for health as we know, and so therefore, it is a good hobby for a resume. Sport and other physical activities are perfect for our health, brain, and our daily day-to-day activities. Do you know that apart from keeping one fit, that sport also helps you to develop self-discipline, teamwork, and leadership skills? Yes, it does.
It is an interesting hobby to add to your resume. If taking photographs is your hobby, then it goes a long way to explain your creative skills, interpersonal skills as well as your technical skills, they are skills that employers would not want to have in their organizations.
Learning Languages
Whether you like it or yes, learning languages is one sure way of getting hired for a job, because an employee who can speak different languages has the chance of standing as a bridge for the company when the need arises.
Understanding and speaking different languages will help such employees have the opportunity to relate with other workers from different nationalities.
When you are adding reading to your resume, ensure that you don’t just say reading, because it will imply to your employer that you spend your time reading books even when you have a serious job to do for the firm.
Blogging is a passion for some people while it is not for others. That is to say that there are people who are very happy sitting down to write different content for others to read and get inspired or learn from it. Not everyone can sit down in a particular place for hours to write, but those who can, do it find it as a hobby.
Traveling makes a good interest to add to your resume. No one doesn’t travel. You can agree with me that traveling is a part of education as they used to say and indeed it is. Those who travel most time tend to learn from different cultures, being more exposed and learning new things in the courses they take.
Video Gaming
I know that some people will feel that video games are strange to be part of hobbies to include in a resume, you are actually right. As we said earlier, it is not all the hobbies that match all jobs, depending on the job you are applying for, video games will be a good interest to include in an IT-related resume.
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There are people who love music. Specifically, some like playing the piano, while others like writing songs. At the same time, there are those whose love for music is to listen to nice pieces. And so whichever, one is your hobby is worth including in your CV.
Other Hobbies
- Baseball
- Basketball
- Cycling
- Football
- Jogging
- Marathon running
- Martial arts
- Running
- Soccer
- Swimming
- Tennis
- Weight lifting
- Volleyball
The right hobby can help applicants receive a job offer, so you have to choose your hobby based on the type of job you are applying is not all the hobbies that you should add to your resume, knowing that they have no link or connection.