How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn (2024 Step by Step) ━ Get the Job Faster

How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn: Do you want to reach out to a recruiter on LinkedIn, but don’t know how to do so? Reaching out to a recruiter on LinkedIn is not that difficult but there are lots of things that you have to be aware of and be careful how you do them. That will determine if you will have a positive answer from the recruiter. 

So because of that, we are here to guide you on what to do so that you will not make mistakes. We will tell you how to reach out to a recruiter, and the kind of messages you should send to the person.

How to Message a Recruiter on LinkedIn

What to do Before Reaching the Recruiter

Ensure that you update your social media profiles before you reach out to a recruiter on any platform, LinkedIn. The reason is very simple, the recruiters will check them to see the kind of information you are sharing.

Ensure that your LinkedIn profile includes:

  • A professional headshot
  • An optimized title and headline
  • A full summary
  • An employment history

How to Find Recruiters on LinkedIn

When you have done the necessary, and your LinkedIn profile is in tip-top shape, the next thing is to connect with recruiters. But before then make a list of the companies you would like to work with.

Under the title of your message, you can type recruiter titles, that look thus:

  • Talent acquisition
  • Recruiter
  • Recruitment manager
  • Head of Talent
  • Hiring manager or HR manager

Connect With The Recruiter First

See you have to connect with your recruiter first before you can message a recruiter. To connect with them, this is how to go about it:

  1. Scroll down to the profile of the recruiter you want to connect with.
  2. At the Introduction section, click Connect
  3. In the pop-up window, click Add a note 
  4. Ensure you personalized your message
  5. Click Send invitation.

This Will Interest You:

Sample messages to a recruiter 

You can send these are 6 (six) potential messages to the recruiter. 

  • Is there any work available at a company
  • Am I eligible for the job role?
  • Ask about a role you’ve seen advertised
  • Seek an independent recruiter’s help in your job search
  • If you have seen a role adverted, ask if the role you saw advertised is still open 
  • Also, ask him/her about internship opportunities if any

How to Write Your LinkedIn Message

If you are wondering what you should write after the recruiter accepts your connection request in your LinkedIn recruiter message. Here is what should form your message:

  • Thank him or her for accepting the request
  • Tell him/her your interest in a particular role
  • An attached resume, highlighting the skills required for the job
  • If you applied online mention it 
  • A Call to Action 

The Don’t of Your Messaging to Recruiters:

  • Don’t send a message with the intention of saying hello
  • Don’t send a message that has nothing to do with the job and recruiter
  • Don’t send a long message to the person
  • And the message should not be talking about yourself
  • Don’t forget to proofread your message, before sending them
  • Don’t be difficult or rude in your approach to the recruiter

Steps On How to Message a Recruiter

To message a recruiter on LinkedIn, follow these steps:

Step one: Optimize your profile

The first thing a recruiter will do is look at your LinkedIn profile and immediately reach out to him/her. Therefore before sending a connection request enhance your profile. Do the following

  • Identify keywords
  • Update your profile picture
  • Refine your LinkedIn headline 
  • In your profile summary, add a bulleted list 
  • Be specific with job descriptions

Step two: Request recommendations

Ask a few people for recommendations – specifically for your LinkedIn profile, before reaching out to a recruiter.

Step three: Send a connection request

Send each one of the recruiters you have chosen to work with a connection request.

You have to send it to each of them because you are not sure which one may accept your request. But if you are focusing on a particular job listing that you found on LinkedIn, then connect with that particular recruiter on the listing.

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Step four: Send an InMail message

Whether they accept your connection request or not, you can send anyone on Linkedin an InMail message, If you have upgraded your LinkedIn account to the premium tier. You may be lucky to have your name in front of the recruiters’ table even without their acceptance of your request. Write a message of  75 words or less that explains you and what you seek. 

Step five: Follow up with a recruiter

The recruiter can ask you to forward your resume, cover letter, and portfolio if he/she likes. Please keep your notes short, and positive, when sending them. You have to include your name, email, and cell phone number for easy connection between you and the recruiter

After 3-4 business days, if you do not hear from the recruiter, send him/her a brief follow-up message. Ensure that the message is very simple and straight to the point. Let them know of your interest in a particular job posting.

Step six: Maintain engagement 

If after accepting your connection the recruiter did not respond to your messages, then engage his or her posts. For example like his/her article, comment on posts, or share content that might interest your audience. Even if you have connected with them it is pertinent that you continue to engage them on a platform.


this article was supposed to help you know how to send a message to a recruiter on LinkedIn, and I hope that you were able to learn that because we have told you all what to do so that you will not make mistakes. We told you how to reach out to a recruiter, and the kind of messages you should send to the person. also don’t forget that there are some do’s and don’t in the course of sending a recruiter a message, so adhere to them for a better result.

Thank you for reading this. That is all we can take for now, but you can ask us your questions by dropping them in our comments box.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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