final year project guide for Nigerians
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 Final Year Project Writing Guide for Nigerians | Easy Way to Success

Are you a final-year student at any Nigerian university? If yes, do you have a problem with how to write your project? Don’t worry, because we have a project guide that will help you to know the step to step procedure of writing your project. It is no longer a piece of news that most Nigerian students find it very difficult to write their final year project and that results in many of them paying people to write their projects for them. some spend as much as 30, 000 to 50,000 thousand to write their final year project.

Before a student writes a project, such a student has to, first of all, choose a topic he will write on and after that is achieved, he/she will have to start making researching the topic selected. When the whole research has been completed, the real project writing then begins. Remember that your project must contain all five chapters, preambles, and other preliminary pages. So, let us take you down to the steps you should take, assuming you’re the one. However, in this piece, we will outline a step-by-step guide that will help you to complete your final-year project successfully.

final year project guide for Nigerians

Final Year Project Writing Guide for Nigerians.

These are the things that appear in your project work accordingly:

NOTE; After the above, the next page will contain the following:

Table of Contents

Lists of tables, figures, and symbols

Chapter One: Introduction  

Chapter Two: Review of Related Literature

Chapter Three: Research Methodology 

Chapter Four: Results (Data Analysis and Presentation)

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation



The Title Page: the title page of a final year student’s project, is the hardcover that holds bound the entire sheaves of the project. The name, registration number, department, faculty, university, date, and topic of the author appears here on this page.

The Approval Page: On this page will appear the name of the department, and institution. The supervisor, whose signature of endorsement of the project, head of the department, and external supervisor will also be seen on this particular page. A space for the signature of the above names mentioned will also be kept.

Dedication Page; This page tells the readers of this project to whom the author dedicated the project.

Acknowledgment: On this page, the project researcher, particularly thanks and appreciates all the people who have contributed immensely to the success of the project in one way or the other (financially, intellectually, and morally).

Abstract: The abstract of a project give a brief summary of the project. Abstracts are written when the entire project work is completely written, and it is written in the past tense. It summarises the statement of the problem, methodology, findings, conclusion, and recommendation in just 100 (hundred) words.

Table of Contents: The table of content of a project is very important because it helps readers to be able to locate the pages of the work. That is why it always contains the headings and subheadings of the write-up with the page numbers of each heading and subheadings.

List of Tables, Figures, and Symbols: The listing of the above-mentioned in a project is very important because it helps readers to be able to locate those tables, figures, and symbols, and they all carry the tag numbers.

Chapter One: This is and will always be the beginning of every project. Chapter one consists of the introduction of the project, background, scope, and purpose of the research. That is why the research was conducted. The objectives, challenges, and limitations of the project should be well spelled out.

Chapter Two: This chapter is known as the review of related literature. Here, the researcher carries out a review of related literature that was published in recognized journals. By trying to relate his or her own findings with the findings of other authors, if there is a common ground or large discrepancy in the work. At the end of it all the researcher has to reference, other people’s works by citing the materials used in the course of the research. 

Chapter Three: Research Methodology. This chapter contains the method of data gathering, research design, the population of the study, research procedures, data sampling methods, validity of the instrument, data analysis, and other alternative means used during the research work.

Chapter Four: Results (Data Analysis and Presentation)

In this chapter, the results of the findings gathered for the work are presented and discussed one by one, through the use of visual aids such as charts, tables, and graphs. Moreso, the research questions that were raised earlier and answered and comparisons made with other previous research conducted on the related topic, by other researchers.

Chapter Five: Summary, Conclusion, and Recommendation:

At this stage, the researcher will draw a conclusion based on the result of his/her findings, suggestions are made for other researchers to make improvements, and from the findings, recommendations are made.


Here, proper reference of all the sources of works tables, figures, and illustrations, should be cited to avoid plagiarism. This should be done with the APA or MLA format.


The appendices will show the order of arrangement of the work. All the difficult words and information in the body of the project are carefully explained here.


That is it. For all of you who have been having difficulties writing your project, now you have a detailed outline of how to write your final year project. From the very first thing to the last thing you need to write on the sheet of your project paper is right here for you. However, feel free to ask us any question that bothers you, or drop us a comment. Thanks for reading this piece.

However, if you have any questions pertaining to Writing your final year project, kindly use the comment section below and the LSI team will respond to you.

Amos Nya
Amos Nya is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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