Most Hired positions with good pay in the UK

10+ Most Hired Positions With Good Pay In The UK (2024 update)

10+ Most Hired Positions With Good Pay In The UK – Seeking a job with good pay in the UK, search no further. This article gives you detailed information on the most hired positions with good pay in the UK

The job market in the UK is diverse, and there are many positions that are in high demand. Some jobs offer better salaries than others, making them more attractive to job seekers.

In this article, we will look at some of the most hired positions with good pay in the UK.

Most Hired positions with good pay in the UK

Most Hired positions With Good Pay In The UK

  1. Software Developer
  2. Healthcare/medical practitioner
  3. Finance/Data analyst
  4. Digital marketing manager
  5. Sales manager
  6. HR manager
  7. Project manager
  8. Cyber security professional
  9. Aeronautical & Aerospace professionals

Software Developer

Software developers are in high demand in the UK, and it is one of the most well-paid professions. The average salary for a software developer in the UK is around £45,000 per year. However, experienced developers can earn up to £100,000 per year.

In addition to the high salary, software developers also have job security, as there is a constant demand for new software applications and upgrades.

Healthcare/Medical practitioners

Healthcare professionals such as doctors, nurses, and other healthcare workers are essential to provide medical care to the population.

The demand for healthcare professionals is expected to grow in the coming years, as the population ages and healthcare need increase. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for a doctor in the UK is around £50,000 per year, while the average salary for a nurse is around £31,000 per year.

Medical practitioners are also in high demand in the UK. The National Health Service (NHS) is the largest employer of medical practitioners in the UK, and they offer good salaries and job security.

The average salary for a general practitioner is around £80,000 per year, while specialist doctors can earn up to £150,000 per year.

In addition to the high salaries, medical practitioners also have the satisfaction of helping people and making a positive impact on their

Finance /Data Analysts

Finance professionals such as accountants, financial analysts, and financial managers are essential to ensure that businesses and organizations operate effectively and efficiently.

The demand for finance professionals is expected to grow in the coming years, as businesses continue to expand and grow. According to Glassdoor, the average salary for an accountant in the UK is around £30,000 per year, while the average salary for a financial analyst is around £38,000 per year.

Data analysts are in high demand as companies require data-driven decision-making. The average salary for a data analyst in the UK is around £40,000 per year. However, experienced data analysts can earn up to £60,000 per year.

They help companies make informed decisions based on the data they have collected.

Digital Marketing Manager

A digital marketing manager is in charge of developing and implementing positive digital marketing strategies. They are in high demand as more companies move towards online marketing.

The average salary for a digital marketing manager in the UK is around £40,000 per year. However, experienced digital marketing managers can earn up to £70,000 per year.

Digital marketing managers are responsible for creating and executing marketing campaigns across various digital channels such as social media, email, and online advertising.

Sales Manager

Sales managers are in high demand in the UK as they are responsible for driving sales and revenue for a company. The average salary for a sales manager in the UK is around £45,000 per year.

However, experienced sales managers can earn up to £70,000 per year. Sales managers are responsible for managing a team of sales representatives and developing strategies to meet sales targets.

HR Manager

HR managers are responsible for the company’s workers, complaints, and giving reports. They are in high demand in the UK as companies need someone to manage their workforce.

The average salary for an HR manager in the UK is around £40,000 per year. However, experienced HR managers can earn up to £60,000 per year.

HR managers are responsible for recruiting and hiring employees, managing employee benefits and compensation, and handling employee relations.

Project Manager

Project managers are in high demand in the UK, especially in the construction and technology sectors. The average salary for a project manager in the UK is around £45,000 per year.

However, experienced project managers can earn up to £80,000 per year. Project managers are responsible for managing projects from start to finish, ensuring they

Cybersecurity Professionals

With the rise of cyber threats and data breaches, cybersecurity professionals are in high demand in the UK. Cybersecurity professionals work to protect businesses and organizations from cyber threats by implementing security measures and identifying and preventing cyber attacks.

The demand for cybersecurity professionals is expected to grow in the coming years, as businesses and organizations continue to face cyber threats.

Aeronautical & Aerospace professionals

The UK is known to have the best airways across the globe. the position of aerospace engineer that maintains the airplanes and management the entire system.

The approximate salary is 75,000 pounds per month. they pick only professionals in the field because it has to do with human life. Flight engineers and aircraft controllers are heavily paid.

Frequently Asked Questions

What are the most hired positions in the UK with good pay?

The most hired positions in the UK with good pay include data analysts, software engineers, healthcare professionals, digital marketing specialists, finance professionals, and cybersecurity professionals.

The salary range for data analysts in the UK is?

An average data analyst in the UK earns approximately £34,000 per year.

Approximate the demand for software engineers in the UK.

The demand for software engineers in the UK is expected to grow in the coming years, as businesses continue to rely on technology to improve their operations.

How much do nurses in the UK earn?

An average certified Nurse in the UK earns approximately £31,000 per year.

Explain the role of digital marketing specialists in the UK.

Digital marketing specialists in the UK are responsible for promoting businesses and organizations online using various digital marketing channels such as social media, email marketing, and search engine optimization.

What is the salary range for cybersecurity professionals in the UK?

The salary range for cybersecurity professionals in the UK varies depending on the role and level of experience, An average cybersecurity professional in the UK earns approximately£44,000 per year.


listed above are the major high-paying Jobs we have in the UK. the tech world pays even when you don’t work. That is an example of earning while you sleep. Also, healthcare professionals earn too because health is what we deal with every day.  We have the executive managers and the HR managers.

They oversee companies and businesses. it is very possible for an individual without a certificate but with the vision and finances to hire someone who is a certified professional to manage his company.

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