Careers and Opportunities for Physiology Graduates in Nigeria (2024 Update)

Careers and Opportunities for Physiology Graduates in Nigeria- Are you a graduate of the Physiology Department? still in school? thinking of the different job opportunities available for you? wish to know places or positions you can work?

While there are some places or positions you can work as a graduate of physiology.

These positions are made open at different organizations in different parts of Nigeria. all you need do is search for the right or most preferred company with the perfect job description and apply.

Careers and Opportunities for Physiology Graduates in Nigeria
Careers and Opportunities for Physiology Graduates in Nigeria

Careers and Opportunities for Physiology Graduates in Nigeria

Here are the different job opportunities that can be gotten by the graduates of physiology in  Nigeria.

  1. Medical Technician
  2. Teacher
  3. Lab Technician
  4. Registered Nurse
  5. Pharmacist
  6. Counsellor
  7. Medical Sales Representative
  8. Exercise Physiologist
  9. Forensic Technician
  10. Medical or Health Service Manager
  11. Social Worker
  12. Research Associate
  13. Chiropractor
  14. Physical Therapist
  15. Physician Assistant

Medical Technician 

This is one of the most popular jobs for physiology students. A medical technician is solely responsible for testing a hospital or clinic patient’s blood, fluid and tissue to check for viruses, bacteria or any sign of disease. they also help in drawing blood or collecting blood samples.

They keep the lab organized and also disinfect samples for the testing process. Finally, they use the testing equipment and computer programs in other to give needed results. The average salary is fifty to 300,000 thousand monthly

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This is a very popular professional career for a physiologist. he is in charge of the education of children in different subjects or courses like physiology or anatomy. The job includes designing lesson notes, lecturing students, class assignments, grading and projects/exams.

They cultivate team spirit and also critical thinking in the lives of students preparing them for better educational advancement. The average salary for them is 20,000 to five hundred thousand monthly

Lab Technician 

This one is responsible for data collection, doing experiments on the collected data, running tests and submitting to a professional for authenticity.

Also, they do the Laboratory maintenance, organize the lab, clean and maintain equipment, and store specimens and samples. record keeping, stock lab supplies and inventory etc. Their average salary is 40,000 upwards

Registered Nurse 

This person will serve as an assistant to the doctor in caring for sick and injured persons in hospitals, clinics or even a home.

They conduct tests, and examinations, give medication, schedule and monitor patients, develop care plans, and communicate with patients about their medications and healthy living. Their average salary is 80,000 upwards.


This is a professional who is in charge of the dispensation of dedication, pharmacy management, effective communication with doctors and also helps the patient understand the nature of his health, treatment etc.

Also, they are involved with the recommendation of medication for patients with minor injuries. Only licensed pharmacists can perform its functions. Their Average salary is 70,000 upward


This is someone who is in charge of the provision of guidance, health tips and care of how a patient can live a healthy life.

They pay attention to a patient’s complaints, work on their wellness goals, design achievement plans, monitor the progress of the patient, communicate with patient families and support them

Medical Sales Representative 

A medical Sales representative is in charge of giving healthcare supplies to doctors, clinics, etc.

Also, they make contact with potential customers, advertise the products they are selling, also inform physicians and staff about the products and how to use them effectively.

Their average salary is 40,000 upward

Exercise Physiologist 

The job of its person is to customize fitness programs which will improve a patient’s fitness and health. Also, they are responsible for the assessment of a patient’s medical history, determination of patient goals and also test and examine the patient’s fitness progress.

Forensic Technician 

The work of this person is to gather evidence, samples, specimens etc from every crime scene under investigation and analyse them in the laboratory. They are in charge of what to get, photographs taken, maintenance and usage of different complex testing machinery, crime recording, observation etc.

Their average salary is 170,000 upwards

Medical or Health Service Manager 

main job description of a medical or health service manager is to manage and also supervise the clinics or hospital facility staff and its operation/services. Also, make budgets, manage finances, hire, train, create work schedules, present meetings, communicate and maintain the facility.

Their average salary is negotiated depending on the organization involved

Social Worker 

This is a person who provides help to people by managing them to overcome their physical challenges. These physical challenges include injury or disability. They work at medical facilities and help take care of patients.

Also, they step out to meet with different individuals, set goals, and administer their progress with good record maintenance.

Their average salary is being negotiated and it is dependent on the company and the worth of the social worker.

Research Associate 

This person performs research on different topics, creates studies, and also documents and updates every step involved in the study in line with the laws and regulations.

They also hire and train staff which helps in the monitor and study of the progress. They enroll in investigation guiding through different steps and answers.


A person who is in charge of the treatment of patients using different techniques and manipulations. This kind of treatment is usually given to persons with pains, discomfort or injury.

Also, you are to assist the patient’s needs, soft tissues and nerves to get better easing the pain and tension. Lastly, you educate the patient on healthy eating habits and visit the patient for treatment and maintenance.

Physical Therapist 

a professional who has a doctor’s degree in physical therapy and also has received licenses.

The job description is to help patients with serious injuries to get better and also improve their movement with comfort. This includes patients who have illness, injury, dislocations, surgery etc.

They also assess the progress of the patient and inform the doctor where there is a need.

Physician Assistant

Here, you help the doctor treat and examine patients. Also, you counsel patients convincing them to do any form of examination get medical history information, do tests, write their medication and also be in support of the doctors during any surgery period where necessary.

The typical or average salary for its person is worth 100,000 upwards depending on the organization you find yourself.

Others include

  1. Scientific or Medical Writer
  2. Dentist
  3. Nurse
  4. Pharmacist
  5. Medical Researcher
  6. Physiotherapist
  7. Medical Writer
  8. Medical Illustrator
  9. Fitness Trainer
  10. Clinical Data Analyst
  11. Biotechnology Rearscher
  12. Nutrition/Dentician
  13. Medical Equipment Technician
  14. Healthcare Consultant
  15. Veterinary Physiologist
  16. Gerontologist
  17. Medical Ethicist
  18. Medical Social Worker
  19. Medical Imaging Technologist
  20. Forensic Scientist
  21. Epidemiologist
  22. Clinical Laboratory Scientist
  23. Health Policy Analyst

This article includes more than thirty different job opportunities for graduates of the physiology department in Nigeria. if you have any questions or wish for more explanation you can drop a comment in the comment box down its article and we will get to reply to you.

I wish you great success in your educational career.

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