How Does Airbnb Make Money
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How Does Airbnb Make Money – Have difficulties marketing the various accommodation spaces available or are you having difficulties in advertising the different properties you have to rent?

Search no further because the Airbnb marketplace has you covered with just a certain amount of percentage.

For the benefit of persons who might have not heard about this marketplace r a word like Airbnb before let’s get to know what is Airbnb.

How Does Airbnb Make Money

What is Airbnb?

Airbnb is an online marketplace that enables individuals to rent out their properties or spare rooms to guests looking for accommodation.

Brief History and Overview of Airbnb

The company was founded in 2008 by Brian Chesky, Joe Gebbia, and Nathan Blecharczyk as a way to provide affordable and unique lodging options to travelers.

The concept of Airbnb is based on the sharing economy, where individuals can monetize their unused space and travelers can find alternative accommodation options beyond traditional hotels.

Hosts can list their properties, which can range from entire homes to single rooms, on the Airbnb platform.

Guests can then search for available listings based on their desired location, dates, and other preferences.

Airbnb provides a platform for hosts and guests to connect and facilitates the booking process. Hosts can set their own prices and house rules, while guests can review and choose from a wide range of options based on their needs.

The platform also includes a rating and review system, allowing guests to provide feedback on their stay, and hosts to build a reputation based on their hosting experience.

Airbnb has grown significantly over the years and now operates in hundreds of cities and countries worldwide.

It has expanded beyond just offering accommodations and now includes experiences and activities that guests can book to enhance their travel experiences.

In the course of this article, we are discussing what is Airbnb,  a brief history and its benefit, and lastly how to make money from the online marketplace

Benefits of Airbnb

Variety and Unique Accommodation:

Airbnb provides a wide range of accommodation options that go beyond traditional hotels. Guests can choose from entire homes, apartments, villas, unique properties like treehouses or castles, or even just a spare room in someone’s house.

This variety allows travelers to find accommodations that suit their preferences and budget and offers a more personalized and authentic experience.

Cost Savings

In many cases, Airbnb can be more affordable than staying in a hotel, especially for longer stays or when traveling in groups.

Airbnb listings often offer competitive prices, and guests can find accommodations at different price points to fit their budgets.

Local Experience

Staying in an Airbnb property allows guests to experience the destination from a local’s perspective. Hosts can provide insights and recommendations about the neighborhood, local attractions, hidden gems, and authentic experiences that are not typically found in tourist guides.

This can enhance the overall travel experience and provide a more immersive cultural experience.

Flexibility and Amenities

Airbnb accommodations often provide more flexibility compared to hotels. Guests can enjoy amenities like a fully equipped kitchen, laundry facilities, private pools, gardens, and more.

This can be particularly beneficial for families or travelers who prefer a home-like environment during their stay.

Community and Interaction

Airbnb fosters a sense of community by connecting hosts and guests from different backgrounds and cultures.

Interacting with the host can provide a more personal and engaging experience, allowing guests to learn more about the local culture, traditions, and lifestyle.

Income Generation

For hosts, Airbnb offers an opportunity to monetize their extra space and generate income. Hosts can earn money by renting out their homes or spare rooms, which can help offset the cost of their own housing expenses or provide an additional source of income.

Safety and Trust

Airbnb has implemented various safety measures to ensure a secure and trustworthy experience for both hosts and guests.

These measures include identity verification, secure payment systems, and a review system where guests can read reviews from previous guests and hosts can review potential guests.

How Does Airbnb Make Money

Airbnb makes money primarily through various revenue streams associated with its online marketplace for accommodations and experiences.

Here are the main ways Airbnb generates revenue:

  1. Service fee
  2. Host fee
  3. Experience fee
  4. Host-only fee
  5. Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe
  6. Business travel program
  7. Advertising and promotions

Service Fees

Airbnb charges both hosts and guests service fees for using its platform. When a guest books a listing, Airbnb typically charges a percentage-based fee of the total booking amount, which is usually around 3% to 5%. This fee covers the costs of processing payments, providing customer support, and maintaining the platform.

Host Fees

Airbnb charges hosts a separate fee for each booking made through the platform. The host fee, known as the host service fee or host commission, is typically a percentage of the booking subtotal and can range from 3% to 15%.

The exact percentage varies depending on factors such as the location and type of accommodation.

Experience Fees

In addition to accommodations, Airbnb offers experiences and activities that guests can book. Airbnb charges a fee to experience hosts for each booking made through the platform.

The experience fee is usually a percentage of the experience price and can vary based on the region and type of experience.

Host-Only Fee

Airbnb introduced a “Host-Only Fee” in 2020, allowing hosts to choose to add an additional fee to their listings.

This fee can be used to cover the cost of cleaning, amenities, or other services provided to guests.

Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe

Airbnb offers premium tiers of accommodations called Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe. Hosts who meet certain criteria for quality and design can list their properties in these categories.

To be included in Airbnb Plus, hosts must undergo an evaluation process and pay an annual fee. Airbnb Luxe, which focuses on luxury accommodations, has a more exclusive selection, and Airbnb charges a higher fee for these listings.

Business Travel Program

Airbnb has a program specifically tailored for business travelers called Airbnb for Work. It allows companies and employees to book accommodations for business trips.

Airbnb charges a fee for each booking made through the Airbnb for Work program.

Advertising and Promotions

Airbnb also generates revenue by offering advertising and promotional opportunities to hosts and other businesses.

Hosts can choose to boost their listings by paying for increased visibility within search results. Additionally, Airbnb partners with local businesses, tourist boards, and event organizers to promote experiences and destinations, earning advertising revenue in return.


This article covers a brief of Airbnb, its benefits, history, and the ways you can use the online market platform to make money.

For more information and inquiries you can log on to the official webpage of Airbnb

Frequently Asked Questions

How does Airbnb make money?

Airbnb generates revenue through service fees charged to both hosts and guests, host fees, experience fees, host-only fees, premium tiers (Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe), the Airbnb for Work program, and advertising and promotional opportunities.

How much does Airbnb charge hosts?

Airbnb charges hosts a host service fee, which is a percentage of the booking subtotal and can range from 3% to 15% depending on factors like location and accommodation type.

Do guests have to pay fees on Airbnb?

Yes, guests are charged a service fee by Airbnb when they book accommodations. This fee is typically around 3% to 5% of the total booking amount.

What are Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe?

Airbnb Plus and Airbnb Luxe are premium tiers of accommodations. Hosts who meet specific quality and design criteria can list their properties in these categories.

Airbnb charges higher fees for these listings, offering guests a curated selection of higher-end and luxury accommodations.

How does Airbnb for Work work?

Airbnb for Work is a program designed for business travelers. It allows companies and employees to book accommodations for business trips.

Airbnb charges a fee for each booking made through the Airbnb for Work program.

Can hosts add additional fees to their listings on Airbnb?

Yes, hosts have the option to add a “Host-Only Fee” to cover extra services like cleaning or amenities. This fee is separate from Airbnb’s service fees and is set by the host.

How does Airbnb ensure the safety and trust of its users?

Airbnb implements various safety measures such as identity verification, secure payment systems, and a review system where guests can read reviews from previous guests and hosts can review potential guests.

Does Airbnb offer advertising opportunities?

Yes, Airbnb provides advertising and promotional opportunities to hosts and businesses.

Hosts can pay to boost their listings for increased visibility, besides that Airbnb partners with local businesses and organizations to promote experiences and destinations.

How much does Airbnb charge for experiences?

Airbnb charges a fee to experience hosts for each booking made through the platform.

The experience fee is typically a percentage of the experience price and this may be different based on the region and type of experience.

Can hosts earn money by renting out their spare rooms on Airbnb?

Yes, hosts can monetize their extra space by listing spare rooms on Airbnb.

They can set their own prices and earn income from renting out their rooms or entire homes to guests.

Honour is a Digital (SEO) Content Developer at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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