Best Approach to Passing IELTS Exams
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12 Best Approach To Passing IELTS Exams In 2024

Best Approach to Passing IELTS Exams… The IELT is an English proficiency exam that is being given to students, and workers moving to an English environment or English-speaking countries to test their Basic English skills. The 4 major English skills being targeted when writing this kind of exam include, listening, writing, reading, and speaking. These four skills are the major skills targeted when writing an IELTS exam.

Most of us have been through difficulties writing IELTS. We tend to write and rewrite the exams over and over again. At some point, most of us get fade up, lose interest in our initial course or field of study, and digress to something else.

In this article, I will be talking about the steps or best approaches needed or used when writing the IELTS exams

Best Approach to Passing IELTS Exams

12 Best Approach To Passing IELTS Exams In 2024

  1. Change Your Mind-Set
  2. Make Enquiries about the Subject Matter
  3. Join Preparatory Classes or Find a Tutor
  4. Understand The Structure Or Sections Of The Exams (IELTS)
  5. Work On Your Spoken English
  6. Work On Your Writing Ability
  7. Work On Your Reading Ability
  8. Work on your listening skill
  9. Study IELTS Past Questions
  10. Understand How to Use the IELTS Cue Cards
  11. Revise All You Have Studied
  12. Know the Cut off Mark

Change Your Mind-Set

 According to the English dictionary, a mindset is a way of thinking or an attitude or opinion, especially a habitual one. Therefore the most important thing you need to work on is your mindset. When we talk about mindset in this context we are talking about what you think about the exams. If you think anything less than yourself it will affect the process but if you think positively with determination and focus you can achieve your desired goal.

If one thinks that the IELTS exam is hard just as you must have heard some people say, your mind already starts making you feel you cannot achieve it, you will feel like if others are complaining then how will you start? It will make you start feeling you cannot do it. You will be skeptical about it, you will be too curious about it.  A positive mindset is needed before anything else and also avoid distraction.

Make Enquiries About The Subject Matter

Of course, you cannot just jump into the exam hall without knowing what you’re going there to write or speak about. You need to make inquiries about the subject matter. Here IELTS exams are the subject matter. You can log into their websites, and blogs, and read books about it. Have first-class knowledge about the exams, the sections it is being divided into, the hours involved, etc. You also need to know the purpose or what is expected of you during the exams. The cut-off point and the major errors involved, the marking or scoring scheme of the exams. 

Join Preparatory Classes Or Find A Tutor

It is very important to note that one should not dwell solely on his ideas. Don’t feel you know more than you can be taught. Learning is an everyday process. The blogs, websites, and other articles or publications you read online are being written by someone who has either had experience over time or has read several books about the topic involved and knows more. Even at that point, some people do make research before making some publications. 

You need to join preparatory classes or find yourself a personal tutor, someone who has experience, or a professional in the field. Join a good preparatory class that will teach you the format, steps, and your expected goals. Some preparatory class gives you a test with possible questions format and the marking scheme.  This gives you readiness for the incoming exams.


Understand The Structure or Sections Of The Exams (IELTS)

The international English language testing system has four sections; Listening, Writing, Speaking, and Reading

The listening part involves paying accurate attention to the conversation that will be played for you or the one are being engaged in. The listening part has more than 10 questions on its own. 

The writing aspect is given to test your sentence structuring, how you use your parts of speech and your punctuation. It has a specific number of questions.

In the speaking aspect, most people seem to be tense in this aspect which might likely affect their speech or tone. A relaxed mind, natural voice, and good intonation. A Good tonation is needed so you will not be using a falling tone when you’re supposed to use a rising tone. 

The reading aspect has different parts you should pay attention to. There are 4 types of reading. The major types of reading skills include scanning, skimming, intensive reading, and extensive reading. You must understand the difference between these four major reading skills.

Also, note that the question in each section varies. Different sections, different number of questions.

Work On Your Spoken English

Working on your spoken English, your vocabulary must be checked, your tenses, your intonation, etc. without good pronunciation of words, and choosing words that fit and describe a particular thing, you might lose a huge score. So you have to pay attention to your spoken English.

 Avoid using grammar that does not coincide with the statement. When speaking the words used should be moderate and able to paint a clear picture of what you are explaining. You should also try to avoid using synonyms for antonyms or using wrong tenses.

You can try speaking to yourself and try to record so you can listen attentively and score yourself. Listen to how fluent you are when pronouncing words in a sentence.

Work On Your Writing Ability

As a student who is preparing to write world-class exams, you need to work thoroughly on your writing skills. Just like the reading skills, if you have your lexis structure correctly you will stand a greater advantage. 

Another thing you should note is that you be careful with your punctuation. Use punctuation where necessary. Make sure you don’t start your sentence with a conjunction to avoid errors. Write, correct yourself, and rewrite. You can write essays for yourself, correct them, and score yourself.

 This is will help to understand your sentence structuring better. You also have to learn to be fast when writing. You might be given 1000 words to write within a limited time. You have to hit at least 80% percent of the required target. 

Work On Your Reading Ability

As discussed earlier in understanding the structure of the exams, reading abilities matter. The various reading skills we have; the skimming, scanning, and extensive and intensive reading. You have to define the one that best fit. After reading you must be able to decode the various keywords. 

I would recommend the active reading technique. This technique helps to answer questions asked after reading a particular text. You can exemplify it before the exams by reading comprehension just like it was usually done in tertiary schools, answering comprehension questions, and working on vocabulary. This will enhance your English reading ability.

Work On Your Listening Skill

Even the normal students in classes have to work on this very English skill. If one doesn’t listen properly he cannot denote the message passed out. He will either hear partially or not hear at all. As such one needs to listen carefully without mixing words. 

A conversation might be played for you to listen and detect the major keywords and sentence structures needed.  Most people seem to complain about not hearing what’s being discussed.

 You cannot achieve that if your attention is divided, you have to follow the speaker’s words at even if you missed his words you will understand what he is trying to say. You can pick examples by listening to audio-recorded conversations either lengthy or short. This will help you understand more about listening skills.

Study IELTS Past Questions

After you have put yourself to understanding the various techniques needed to write the exams. You can now try answering past questions. You can log on to the IELTS website and answer past questions or you visit some persons around you that must have written the exams for more validations. You can visit their website at 

Understand How to Use the IELTS Cue Cards

As a student that is writing the IELTS exams you have to understand how to use cue cards. A cue card is like a note card that one uses to write down hint points. It is mostly used by speakers in public speaking to get them in line of conversations it acts like keywords for them.

Revise All You Have Studied

It doesn’t just end in preparing and learning the basic skills needed to pass the exams. One can prepare thoroughly for an exam but yet forget a keyword to a particular question. That is why revising after reading helps.

It helps refresh your memory from the top to the bottom of everything you have just read. It keeps your brain refreshed and active

Know the Cut off Mark

Using the IELTS website, you can check the marking scheme, cut-off points, and grading system. After the exams, you can score yourself even before the result is out. GOODLUCK


IELTS exams can be very simple and easy to write depending on the approach you. If you follow the approach written in this article you will find yourself smiling in the exam hall. Most questions or things you see there will not be strange to you. 

You will have to pay attention to what is being put before you, denote the best approach to it, and work on it. Another major thing I would love to add is that in whatever you are working on in preparation for these exams you have to be careful and persistent. Careful so that you don’t mix up words and persistent so you won’t give up or finish even before the question is being read to the end. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How and where can I register for classes for IELTS EXAMS?

Depending on your location, search for the IELTS outlets around you.

How much is IELTS EXAMS?

It ranges from 80, 00-85, 00 in Nigerian currency.

What is required of me in the Exams?

You must have met the requirements before applying for the exams. After application, it’s the date of the exam and any other instructions needed will be given at the IELT center you applied.

How much will an IELTS tutor charge me?

That depends on the tutor. He is the one who will tell you the amount he deems fit. It might be after doing a local English proficiency test on you. It may be through a conversation.

Can I take the exams just to without any motive of traveling?

Yes, you can take the test without any motive of traveling out or being recruited or migrated. You want to know your level of English proficiency.

John is the CREATIVE LEAD at Legit School Info is a team of Resource academicians and Consultants led by John Akpan. However, If you need personal assistance on this topic, kindly contact us.

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